People are all energy, energy that is interconnected to all the energy around it and far from it through a web of vibrations made of decisions, goals, social pressures and family histories that have created our joys and our sufferings.
Energy exists to create, to act, to flow, to energize, to move, to expand.
We exist to create: to express and share our selves and our ideas and our dreams; to innovate, to inspire, to build.
We were created by the Creators, who created the Earth we stand on, the heavens we dream of and all the stars and space in the galaxy. We are not based on any one religion, but are Spiritually Agnostic in our understanding of the possibilities and grandness found in an infinite universe . Whether we believe in One God or in Many Gods, we believe in the power of Creation and Creativity itself.
Many of us feel this, or are searching fervently for it. But despite our faith and our desire, many people do not feel connected to their own creativity. They spend their lives looking for a spiritual significance or purpose or evidence, turning to organized religions, narcissistic leaders and hierarchal social structures that tell those to come to them what they should think, how to behave and what to do — and they create barriers between their followers and the(ir) Creator(s), insisting that the Creator(s) only speaks through a select and chosen few and that the rest of us are stuck with a 2,000-year-old book written to keep those in power in power.
But the truth is this: The only thing separating each of us from our Creator are our own limiting beliefs about the importance of creation, and the singular focus on biological creation. There are powerful organizations and forces at work to keep people in check, conformed to The Way Things Are, underneath the Powers That Be. Creativity is a force that could overturn all these structures, and so we learn from a young age that it’s not necessary for our survival or our souls. We learn that Math, English and Gym classes are all necessary, but that art and music are “extra-curriculars” that may or may not be worthy of funding. We learn that the Bible should not be questioned despite its millions of interpretations. We learn that getting married and having kids is Our Purpose and that anything beyond that is a misprioritization. We learn that only prodigies are worthy of a life spent creating and expressing and that happiness lies in how we spend our paychecks, which vary wildly depending on how much we’ve bought into the System, instead of how we spend our time, which should be priceless and unknown.
These beliefs surrounding creativity have lead to a separation between people, our souls and our collective Soul. But getting through that separation — the creative blocks we each feel for reasons to do with a perceived lack of skill, resources, support, inspiration, drive or other things — is possible for those searching to connect to their deeper meaning and purpose.
It is also a creative strategy card game that can be played multiple ways with friends.
Inspired by traditional tarot ideas, concepts and spiritual guidance, Creative Flow Tarot utilizes Four Powers of Creative Flow and connection to the main elements of the natural world: air, water, earth and fire.
The Four Powers are:
Swords (skills and knowledge),
Wands (ideas and experiences),
Stars (spirituality and passion) and
Stones (support and resources).
Each suit of the four powers contains 14 cards: numbers 1-10 and four “face” cards of equal value: Spirits, Knights, Gods and Goddesses.
Each number carries a special meaning, and each face card carries a special power.
Ones/Aces: Ones are about beginnings, initiations, and first steps forward
Twos: Twos symbolize balance, dualities and harmony
Threes: Threes symbolize unification, wholeness in partnerships and unlimited potential
Fours: Fours symbolize tethers and all the things that keep us grounded and in place
Five: Fives reflect war, competition and victory
Sixes: Sixes focus on the love skills: not romanticized, lustful love but the action of love: on reliability, dependability, communication, equality, partnership, integration
Sevens: Sevens focus on perfection, evolution and patterns
Eights: Eights symbolize boundaries, limitations, constraints and situations that are unavoidable
Nines: Nines represent existential Fears and the greater Oneness, the connection between the individual and the universal everything
Tens: Tens represent the completion of a cycle, an ending… and a beginning.
The Four Sides of each Power are
Knights, Spirits, Gods and Goddesses.
Spirits are the children, the muse, the guiding light of each power. They are the why. They are the inspiration, the student, the messenger, of each power.
Swords: Phoenix
Stones: Unicorn
Stars: Butterfly
Wands: Axolotl
Knights are the actions of each Power — they represent ability, motivation and determination. They are the legs of each power, the what.
Goddesses are the creators of each Power. They are the heart of the power, the how. Goddesses are master gardeners and masters of change, transformation, growth, compassion and experimentation.
Gods are the teachers of each Power. They are the holder of each power, the who. They are teachers and experts, advice givers and that which offers enlightenment.
22 Major Forces of Creativity
The deck also includes 22 Major Forces concepts or themes as they relate to spiritual connection and creative flow, which are described after the Powers.
Find Your Creative Flow ~ Help Your Soul Grow
Find Your Creative Flow ~ Help Your Soul Grow 〰️
The Power of knowledge, instinct, skills and power, the Swords suit speaks to the classroom work one has to do to feel comfortable using creative tools, and the actual work involved in self-expression. It is the suit of experience and knowing. It is also the suit of the Wind; of deep understanding and search; of the intellectual. Its symbology focuses on birds, herbs and mushrooms. Its power colors are pink and blue.
Wands hold the powers of thoughts, flow, ideas and experiences of being— of self-love, focus, rhythm and harmony. It is the suit of water. It is the suit of action, of doing, of moving and exploring. This suit speaks to the experiential aspects of creative flow. Its symbology includes sea creatures and koi pond features. Its power color is purple.
Stars hold the powers of spirit, passion, energy and connections — of love and freedom and chaos. It is the suit of fire. It is the power of wanting, of dreaming, of the ethereal and the surreal. This suit speaks to the spiritual aspects of creative flow. Its symbology focuses on fantasy creatures and flowers. Its power colors are red and yellow.
Stones hold the powers of wealth, resources, finances and support — of all the real-world struggles and successes artists face that might hamper or grow creative flow. It is the suit having. Their symbology is rooted in beautiful Earthly landscapes, mammals, and powerful gemstones. It’s also the suit of Earth, of solidity, of the material. Its power color is green.
There are also 22
Major Forces cards.
These cards do not belong to any suit and each has a different power. They represent the major forces affecting your life and blocking your creative spirit. They are:
The Creative Flow Strategy Card Game
Creative Flow Tarot can be used as a personal tool to help work through creative blocks or as a fun, strategic card game for multiple players.
In the strategic game, there are 78 cards (a full tarot deck), spread out in the middle of the gaming area. Gamers also need a drawing tool (paper & pencil/pen/marker/crayon/etc) and a scoresheet.
There is no dealer; draw high card to determine who goes first; That player will be the Reader of the Hand.
To start, each player goes around in a circle, drawing 1 card, for seven circles, until every player has seven cards in their hand.
At that point, every player at the table gets a chance to “shuffle” the deck before their turn.
Each player must try to make the best 5-card poker hand, with each card having the value of its associated number and each suit used for the creation of straights or flushes. Spirits and Knights are all worth 11 points; Gods and Goddesses are all worth 12 points. A straight is considered 5 consecutive cards without the same suit; A flush is five cards of the same suit. Then comes a full house, four of a kind, a straight flush, or five of a kind. Major Forces cards are their own suit.
Players will get two rounds of actions before they have to show their hands.
In round one, players have the choice to draw another card from the deck or to force-trade a card from one other player, in which both players must draw from the other player’s hand at the same time. They then must discard one card, whose value goes into the collective “Pot”. These cards are the Wishes.
In round two, players have the choice to draw another card from the deck or to again force a trade on another player. This time, they must show their best 5-card hand at the end of the turn, as well as the leftover 2 cards. These are the Block cards.
At the end of the round, every player has revealed their 5-card hand and their two Block Cards. There is also a Pot of discarded cards, called Wishes.
The player with the highest five-card hand wins the Wishes (the pot of discarded cards).
Now players count up the value of all 5-card hands based on their numbers and assigned values, except the Block cards. Major Forces cards in the 5-card hand are worth 5 points each.
The two Block cards become Action cards. Each Block card has symbology, meaning, purpose and power and must be acted on for players to add Flow points to increase the final value of their hands. Suits no longer matter.
Players might have two Minor Force cards to choose one action from. They might have one Minor Force card and one Major Force card, in which they must perform the action associated with the Minor Force card and take the Power of the Major Force Card. If they have two Major Force cards as block cards, they must choose which power to use. You can only get points for the cards you use. (So if you have to choose between two Minor Force cards, you only get the points for one; the same goes if you have to choose between two Major Force cards.)
As a group, players now each get a set amount of time (2-3 minutes) to perform their task. Set a timer. After the timer ends, it will be the Reader’s decision when to call for Silence and start around-robin of Show and Tell.
If your block card is/ are:
Aces: (1 point each) Aces are beginning cards. Close your eyes and draw an animal of your choosing without picking your drawing tool up off the paper. Draw as many animals as you think you can within the time allotted. At the end of time up, get one additional point for every player who correctly guesses each animal. Once an animal has been drawn by someone, other players playing aces cannot draw that animal.
Twos: Twos represent harmony. Write a haiku (a three-line poem with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the final line) about one of the elements depicted in any of your cards. (Elements can include plants, animals, landscapes, or symbolic meanings found in the Creative Flow descriptions, which the Reader of the Hand can read if needed). Get an extra point for every element mentioned; deduct a point for every syllable missed.
Threes: Threes are for unification. Use your body or available surfaces to drum out a beat. Get one extra point for every player who joins in before the Reader calls for Silence.
Fours: Fours are for tethers. Spend your time searching your surroundings for every color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). Document the colors you see by taking a photo; no photo or singular item can represent more than one color. Get one additional point for every one of the six colors of the rainbow photographed. (Once an item has been photographed, it cannot be rephotographed by another player for the same color).
Fives: Five is for staying alive amid conflict and competition. Create a secret code inspired by one of your card elements and send an encoded message to one other player. Both players get one additional point per correctly-guessed character.
Sixes: (+6 points) Sixes are for love, so assign every player their own special color and a spirit animal (you cannot give more than one player the same color, or the same spirit animal). Get one additional point for each time the individual player agrees with your choices.
Sevens: (+7 points) Sevens are about evolution. Make up a new purpose for items you find in the room. Get two points additional for every item you successfully create a new purpose for, as demonstrated by a democratic show of players’ hands.
Eights: (8 points) Eights are about constraints. Create and demonstrate a spell that incorporates a way to get past your greatest constraint. Each spell must include a Potion with Ingredients, a chant, and a dance or body movement to work. Get 3 additional points for each player who agrees the spell worked.
Nines: (9 points) Nines are about Oneness. Hum, chant, sing, or whistle for the duration of the timer. Get three additional points for every player that joins in before the Reader calls for Silence.
Tens: (10 points) Tens are about alphas and omegas. Choose to complete any task, so long as no other player has chosen that task to complete in this hand.
Spirits: (+11 points) Spirits are about impulse. Write a four-line rhyme about the elements, symbology and meanings found within your 5-card hand. Get two extra points for every element mentioned and two extra points for every set of rhymes.
Goddesses: (+12 points) Goddesses are creators. Create a story that connects the cards in your five-card hand. Get three points for every card element incorporated in the story.
Gods: (+12 points) Gods offer enlightenment. Get one point for every player you help or every point you give to another player during this hand.
The Major Forces cards in the Block pile have no set value but each have a different Power. They include:
double the points you receive from your Action card
Swap the points from another player’s completed Action
Steal another player’s Block card
Steal a player from another player’s 5-card hand
Take double the time for a task
Double the points from your highest-pointed task so far
Skip a task but take the Action points
Steal half the points from another player’s Action and extras
Take a Wish back from the Pot to add to your score
Cancel or block someone else’s Power
Add up the value of your final 5-card hand with the value of your used Actions, earned extras and Powers and that is the final score of your hand.
Play as many hands as you want.