Flow Tarot

By Mighty.Beautiful Art Studio

Hello, welcome to Creative Flow Tarot, where we focus on using creativity to connect with your soul. I'm Aurora, your guide through this interactive and spiritual card deck designed to ignite your creativity and guide you down a unique spiritual journey that will be entirely your own. Creative Flow Tarot blends the ancient power of tarot with hands-on creativity exercises, helping you break through mental, emotional, and real-world blocks that might be stifling your flow.

This isn’t fortune-telling—it’s a conversation with your inner artist. Each card invites you to dive deeper, challenge your perspectives, and unlock fresh inspiration. Let the energy of the cards connect your hands and your mind to your soul's purpose, mission and message. Draw your first card, and let’s unlock your creative flow together.



Guide to Finding and Commanding Your Creative Energy


We are rivers of energy, winding through an invisible web—tangled threads of choices, dreams, family histories, and ancient pressures. These threads shape our joys. Our wounds. Our stories.

Energy exists to create. To flow. To move. To transform.

And so do we.

We are creators—every one of us. Born to express, to imagine, to build, to connect. To pull something from the realm of the unseen into the seen.

We come from the hands of Creators—forces vast and unknowable, who shaped the Earth beneath our feet, the skies we dream through, and the distant stars that burn beyond sight.

Some call it God. Some call it many gods. Some call it chaos or science or love. We call it Creation. And Creation is agnostic to names. It only asks to continue.

But somewhere along the way, many of us lost the thread.

We were taught that creativity was a luxury, not a necessity.

We were told that the mysteries of the universe live in ancient texts, locked away behind clergy and hierarchies, accessible only through chosen mouths.

We learned that questions were dangerous. That art was frivolous. That our value lay not in what we could imagine—but in what we could produce, buy, or conform to.

We learned that only biological creation—families, legacies—was sacred.

And that the act of creating for the sake of expression? A hobby. A pastime. An extra.

But this is the truth:

Every brushstroke, every word, every spark of an idea is a form of prayer.

Every act of creation is a reunion—with ourselves, with our Creator(s), with the vast, vibrating web we all belong to.

The forces that shaped this world fear creativity because they know its power. Creativity disrupts. It liberates. It rewrites the script.

And that’s why it’s been hidden. Minimized. Treated as unessential.

Creative Flow Tarot is here to change that.

This deck is more than cards—it’s a tool to dismantle the walls between you and your creative force. To move past the blockages—mental, emotional, systemic—that choke the flow.

Because when you create, you connect.

And when you connect, you expand.

And when you expand, you become unstoppable.



Inspired by traditional tarot ideas, concepts and spiritual guidance, Creative Flow Tarot utilizes Four Powers of Creative Flow and connection to the main elements of the natural world: air, water, earth and fire.

The Four Powers are:

Swords (skills and knowledge),

Wands (ideas and experiences),

Stars (spirituality and passion) and

Stones (support and resources).

Each suit of the four powers contains 14 cards: numbers 1-10 and four “face” cards of equal value: Spirits, Knights, Gods and Goddesses.
Each number carries a special meaning, and each face card carries a special power.

Ones/Aces: Ones are about beginnings, initiations, and first steps forward

Twos: Twos symbolize balance, dualities and harmony

Threes: Threes symbolize unification, wholeness in partnerships and unlimited potential

Fours: Fours symbolize tethers and all the things that keep us grounded and in place

Five: Fives reflect war, competition and victory

Sixes: Sixes focus on the love skills: not romanticized, lustful love but the action of love: on reliability, dependability, communication, equality, partnership, integration

Sevens: Sevens focus on perfection, evolution and patterns

Eights: Eights symbolize boundaries, limitations, constraints and situations that are unavoidable

Nines: Nines represent existential Fears and the greater Oneness, the connection between the individual and the universal everything

Tens: Tens represent the completion of a cycle, an ending… and a beginning.

The Four Sides of each Power are
Knights, Spirits, Gods and Goddesses.

Spirits are the children, the muse, the guiding light of each power. They are the why. They are the inspiration, the student, the messenger, of each power.

Swords: Phoenix

Stones: Unicorn

Stars: Butterfly

Wands: Axolotl

Knights are the actions of each Power — they represent ability, motivation and determination. They are the legs of each power, the what.

Goddesses are the creators of each Power. They are the heart of the power, the how. Goddesses are master gardeners and masters of change, transformation, growth, compassion and experimentation.

Gods are the teachers of each Power. They are the holder of each power, the who. They are teachers and experts, advice givers and that which offers enlightenment.

22 Major Forces of Creativity

The deck also includes 22 Major Forces concepts or themes as they relate to spiritual connection and creative flow, which are described after the Powers.

Find Your Creative Flow ~ Help Your Soul Grow


Find Your Creative Flow ~ Help Your Soul Grow 〰️



Traditional Deck Suit: Spades.

Natural Element: Wind/ Air

Power: Knowledge

The Power of knowledge, instinct, skills and power, the Swords suit speaks to the classroom work one has to do to feel comfortable using creative tools, and the actual work involved in self-expression. It is the suit of experience and knowing. It is also the suit of the Wind; of deep understanding and search; of the intellectual. Its symbology focuses on birds, herbs and mushrooms. Its power colors are pink and blue.


The Ace Of Swords

A Significant Breakthrough

The Ace of Swords represents a new energy and a significant breakthrough. The Sword Force indications that doing so will require you to learn a new skill, but the challenge will be worthwhile.

The Magical Mushroom represents a new creative beginning or way of seeing the world. A powerful Sword is standing straight up from the ground under a powerful waterfall that stretches into the clouds. The Sword is perfectly balanced, held strong by a skillful force. Behind, a magical mushroom stands under a liquid rainbow. The rainbow and mushroom tell you it’s time to focus on the diversity of knowledge you need to really pursue the creative quests your Spirit desires of you.

You’ve had a project you wanted to work on for a long time sitting in the back of your mind; maybe something you’ve forgotten about, some planted seed that must have survived only off tiny drops of memory. Now is the time to water those seeds again, and see which ones have grown. Perhaps you’ll figure out how to finish a project long ago put on hold.

The Two Of Swords:

Balancing The Honeymoon Stage And Avoiding Burnout

Your energy has drawn you to the Book of Tales. Your spirit is requesting you remember the importance of Balance within your creative knowledge and pursuits. Two Swords come together over a field of mushrooms, which contain the power to communicate with powerful Earthly giants — trees. Where the two Swords touch, magic happens: galaxies are born from the explosion. What does the Book contain? It’s anyone’s guess. Perhaps it contains every story ever told, a how-to for everything ever created, every spell ever said, directions into the afterlife, or the meaning to life itself. The Book can’t be read, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be heard. You’re likely in the honeymoon period of a new creative pursuit — or experiencing the excitement and fears of a new job, a new relationship, or new circumstances. This card could symbolize that this new endeavor has you a bit overwhelmed, overstimulated, or overextended — though you might not mind at the moment. On the other hand, perhaps it’s a reminder that you haven’t tried anything new in a while and are in danger of burning out from your routine or norm. Grow some branches.

The Three Of Swords:

Creating Emotional Release After A Painful Heartbreak

The Rainbow Heart is about finding creative unity and emotional release after a painful heartbreak, loss or betrayal. Three powerful Swords stand in a mushroom field, the energy between creating a colorful forcefield of love.

These three swords represent the mental knowledge necessary to process trauma, the spiritual knowledge that we are all connected and the physical knowledge of how to use your hands to connect to your soul. All three are necessary right now.

All those feelings you're feeling right now are just different types of energy, and it’s up to you to use your hands to turn that energy into something tangible, meaningful, or beautiful. You’re grieving something, but grief is a kind of gratitude. What are you thankful for? Focus on that and use your gratitude to create something. Eventually, you’ll make your way through this painful period — or finally process a heavy loss from long ago that you’ve been carrying with you.


The Four Of Swords:

On Active Meditation, Self-Love And Wild Creation

The Meditating Hummingbird has graced your presence. The Four of Swords shows the Four Swords over a reflective pond, serving as a frame around a peaceful Lotus flower, within which sits the dual spirits of both a woman and a beautiful bird, both sitting in a meditative pose, though the bird appears to be looking up, as if contemplating the future, and the woman’s back is turned, suggesting she is looking out or inward. This is a card about knowing how to be alone, about finding strength in solitude and creating a closer connection between you and your Creator - but through open thought and active meditation. The Four Swords represent Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit - Mind and Body being the vertical pillars with which we stand, Soul being the top we aspire to and Spirit being the foundation from which we come. We are each not just the woman or person in the scene. We are each the reflective pond, the peaceful flower, the impatient bird and the searching person — even when we don’t feel like it, even when our waters are raging, our flowers are dying, the birds are flying and the person is lost. Imagine changing the speed of your water. Imagine a new field of flowers blooming, imagine the beautiful moss on a dying tree. Imagine not having to flap your wings to stay afloat, but being able to just soar across the sky on the back of the wind. Imagine that you have been found by what you seek.

Five Of Swords:

On Fighting Time, Unnecessary Competition, And The Practice Of Failure

You’ve come across The Cursed Hourglass, for which the Five Eagles of Time are both fighting for and entrapped in. The Five of Swords is a sign that you are finding yourself surrounded by war and competition, that your foes are drawing nearer, or that you’re fighting a battle against Time itself, wasting it away on consumption instead of spending it in growth and creation.

The Hourglass has the power to remind you that everything in this world is temporary, that time is running out, that time is always falling. But look a little deeper, and Time is a complicated subject. Time is always moving, that moments of time are both endless and infinite, as if every grain of sand in the universe was a moment of time in the multiverse of possibilities created by each and every passing decision. Is Time your enemy? Or is a gift?

Regardless, war exists, and you’re preparing for battle. Think about who or what you’re up against right now, and see yourself holding those things hostage in this magical Hourglass bestowed upon you. Their power is running out, and you hold the key to victory in your hands. You’ve just got to pick up your sword and make the journey.

Six Of Swords:

On Transition, Letting Go And Finding Your Own Truths

You’ve encountered a great storm, but are being rescued by The Six Seagulls, forces of transition and change. This card shows a ghostly figure carrying six swords across a stormy ocean in a tiny boat that was clearly not built for such feats; fortunately it is being pulled toward land by forces stronger than the winds, guided by the wisdom and reaching arms of the Lighthouse. The shore is nearing; you’re moving past the storm and moving toward an unknown future. What are you carrying with you? The Six Swords will be difficult to carry without the help of a boat once you’re on stable ground. They represent the kinds of Knowledge we must let go of in order to move forward - bad habits, negative thought patterns, harmful beliefs, stereotypes, outdated lessons, the expectations and hopes placed on us by others. You’re about to transition into a new world, a new relationship, a new dream, a new job. Embrace the coming changes by letting go of the baggage you’re carrying that no longer serves you. For instance, perhaps you’ve been in search of your one true soulmate but are coming out of a long relationship with a person you had hoped would be “the one” that has scarred you. Why do we believe in one true soulmate? The Quest for our perfect mate is sold to us as a fairytale, but it causes so many nightmares. Most of us fall in love multiple times, yet we are told it is only right to love one person. Does that “truth” serve your truest self? Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. Don’t hold on to what other people have told you; hold on to what you know to be true within you.


Seven Of Swords:

On Secrets, Self-Deception And The Seven Swords Of Corruption

Aye, Matey, you’ve come across The Parrot Pirate, who is cursed to curse everyone he meets. You thought the Parrot was there to help, as he repeated everything you said like a true yes-man should. But he was just lonely out at sea and couldn’t help but deceive you. The Parrot is holding on to Seven Swords, representing the Seven ways we deceive and corrupt ourselves: through gluttony, sex , greed, depression, anger, rejection, and pride. This is a card about betrayal, strategy and deception. You’ve been cursed to believe the lies you tell yourself or are told by other people who are attempting to hold you back. Perhaps there is an inner struggle or grievance that your psyche is focused on but that you're afraid to express, or a small white lie you once told has grown into an elephant. Perhaps you're angry at yourself for some failure, feel guilt about a conversation or argument with a loved one, or have been lying about your inner well-being. This is a card about telling your truth and dealing with deceit, theft, fraud and hidden secrets. Everyone loves a secret, a mystery, an untold truth. Choose one to unravel.

Eight Of Swords:

On Negative Self-Talk, Self-Limiting Beliefs And Turning Can't Into Can

The Caged Bird beckons at you, crying out to be released from her tiny prison. Seeing the door is open, you try to encourage her to fly free, but she doesn’t understand. The prison isn’t the cage she’s in, but her fears of leaving. The cage, after all, is all that is protecting the bird from the Eight Swords thrown at her. What do the Swords represent? Possibility. The What-ifs you’ve passed on. Fear is a prison, and it exists even when conditions are perfect: even when the world is in full bloom around you, you may fear getting stung by a bee. Fear is a powerful weapon to use against yourself when you don’t want to leave, to change, to grow: when it seems simpler to just live in a cage of your own making if if that cage makes you unhappy, leaves you unfilled, endangers you in a violent or dependent relationship or keeps you from pursuing your purpose. How do you break through the prison of fear? You’ve got to accept your power, consider your choices, create a plan and a path. For every negative thought you have, force yourself to have a positive one. For every negative possible outcome you perceive, think of a good beneficial one. Focus on the answers and solutions, not the problems and questions.

Nine Of Swords:

On Nightmares, Indecision And Facing Demons

Don’t panic, but you’ve revealed the Nine-Eyed Raven, which represents an escalation of the Caged Hummingbird (the Eight of Swords). A tiny canary sits paralyzed, surrounded by swords. A monstrous nine-eyed raven rises from a cloud of smoke above the canary’s nest.

The swords represent the fears, worries, demons, and nightmares trying to keep the canary from feeling at peace. Your dark thoughts are now keeping you up at night; you’re not sleeping or taking care of yourself; your fears are in full control. You’re living in a nightmare, paralyzed with indecision, being torn apart in different directions; the stresses you’re facing are eating you alive. Your concerns might be very real; the world is a stressful place full of suffering, hatred, inequality and uncertainty. But the world is also a wondrous place full of joy, love, growth and opportunity, But you’ve got to come up for air. You’ve got to breathe. Grab on to any tiny bit of happiness you can and hold on. The world is stressful, but friends are loving, the Earth is beautiful, blankets are soft, and we are all connected.


Ten Of Swords:

On Moving Forward From Painful Endings

The Dead Flamingo represents a painful ending, a deep loss and the end of a cycle. A flamingo lies dying in a shallow pond, struck in her head by a sword, surrounded by nine other swords and pools of blood. Someone or something has hurt you, giving a fatal blow with regards to that relationship or connection. This most likely cannot be undone. This is the card of grief.

Remember that every ending leaves room for a beginning. With deep losses come new gains, and at the end of any cycle lies the unlimited possibilities that come from learning, changing and growing. The sun sparkles on the water and the Flamingo awaits her new, enlightened and transformed self - the Self that has learned from her mistakes and experiences, has been reborn from the wisdom of her past, and has an understanding of how to move forward from despair. You are strong, and all it takes to keep going is a single step, followed by another one, and another. Soon this abysmal present will be nothing but the past.

Spirit Of Swords:

On Rebirth, Rejuvenation And Renewal

The Phoenix shows a great, beautiful bird rising above a lake caught on fire. The Phoenix controls a powerful sword, a sign that you have gained a state of knowledge akin to the enlightenment that comes from being inside a spiritual realm. This card represents renewal, new ideas and a new burst of energy after a period of trauma, depression, rest or low flow.

The Spirit of Swords is an enthusiastic force of knowledge, an expert at breaking through barriers, gathering information and winning from behind. The Phoenix is a resourceful problem solver, adept at brainstorming and researching and finding creative solutions to challenges that would drag others down. Drawing the Phoenix is a sign that it’s time to let yourself be heard in situations where you otherwise may have kept quiet, though you might want try new and different ways of getting your message across if old techniques aren’t getting the attention your ideas deserve.

Knight Of Swords:

On Ambition, Drive and Motivation

You’ve caught sight of The Striking Owl, a powerful bird of prey on a mission. The Knight of Swords is determined to achieve its goals, knowing that the work required to obtain the knowledge necessary (the storm) will pay off dividends later (the blooming desert).

The owl’s wings are spread and the sword is perfectly straight, showing determination and expertise, while the owl represents a focused intellectual drive of someone who is ambitious without apologies.

This is an action card; you’re quickly moving toward something, not pausing to plan ahead. You can’t tell a Knight of Swords to slow down or to be careful, but a lot can go wrong when you move so fast. Things can change quickly, especially if you come across some unintended consequences of your prior actions or cut corners in the name of speed. Still, the Knight of Swords is a great communicator and can normally take its way out of a jam with ease.

Goddess Of Swords:

On Independence, Persuasion And Leadership

The Peacock shows a beautiful woman walking through a lavender field. She is carrying a basket of flowering herbs and walking with a blue peacock companion, and she wears a crown of feathers that suggests she and the peacock are one. A Sword is shone stuck in a granite rock, with three tiny butterflies seeking to pull the Sword out to unlock its potential and power. The Butterflies represent transformation; change is a predominant force when the Goddess of Swords shows herself. The herbs carried by the Goddess represent the knowledge, skills, and instincts necessary to get through any situation and to get the truth in all matters. The Goddess represents the mastery of inner strength that comes from overcoming loss and personal suffering, which makes her powerful, bold, resourceful and independent. Her knowledge is capable of changing the world. She knows herself inside and out and is comfortable in her own skin, though she is also a master of transformation and change and is able to read which way the wind will blow. She isn’t afraid of the truth; she is the truth. You can lie to yourself, but not to the Goddess of Swords. Her energy works to give everyone the insight and power they need to become fully themselves. Is she attempting to tell you something? Now is the time to listen to the wind, to hear the clouds, to see everything as a sign.

God Of Swords:

On Power, Manipulation And Enlightenment

You’ve discovered the wonder and power of The Flowering Mind, the purveyor of enlightenment and truth. The God of Swords shows a jellyfish-like creature resembling a brain and the beginnings of a nervous system, floating across an ethereal space, a rainbow of light shining down on it. The creature has grown a flower with seven eyes from which it can see different dimensions of the surrounding world and is cutting a large magical mushroom with a powerful Sword. Like the Goddess, this card radiates deep knowledge, truth, understanding and intuition during a search for truth, answers, meaning or purpose.

But while the Goddess is still reaching the peak of her powers, the God of Swords has fully embraced their creative potential and purpose. The God lives and learns beyond its human body and form; their legacy and impact on the world has no bounds. The God isn’t just respected, but worshipped. This card is a sign that you have reached peak mental and creative clarity, and that people are watching and listening to what you have to say, or that someone around you — most likely an expert in finance, business, psychology, engineering, spirituality or a creative medium — can offer you the exact wisdom, direction and insight that you are missing and seeking.


The Power of Wands

Traditional Card Suit: Clubs

Natural Element: Water

Creative Power: Inspiration & Flow

Wands hold the powers of thoughts, flow, ideas and experiences of being— of self-love, focus, rhythm and harmony. It is the suit of water. It is the suit of action, of doing, of moving and exploring. This suit speaks to the experiential aspects of creative flow. Its symbology includes sea creatures and koi pond features. Its power color is purple.



On Getting Swept Up, Exploration And Experimentation

You’ve crossed paths with the Magical Octopus, one of the great wizards of the sea. The Octopus has discovered a powerful wand that allows them to manifest the beginnings of a beautiful coral reef. This is a card that symbolizes the excitement of getting swept up by an exciting new idea or project. Now is the time when you’re at your highest potential — you hopefully feeling energized, inspired and motivated about a great epiphany you’ve had or path you’ve started, but it’s only the very beginning. Whether this spark catches fire is up to you. Follow your vision board, trust in yourself, and get rolling. Wands are the suit of ideas and flow, so they should be coming easily to you. Stay flexible, go down those rabbit holes, have fun and play. Don’t forget to stop and dance every so often, and jazz or somehow change that space up if you need to. Your creative space should be a sacred space for your soul.


On Comfort Zones, Planning, And Pursuing Your Purpose

Breathe and focus, for you’ve discovered the Lotus Pond, a place for deep thinking, planning and manifestation; a comfort zone of peace and safety, protected from the stresses of the larger world. The pond is home to the Dragonfly, dancing and coasting its way between two large Wands. Though the pond is quiet and contemplative, the dragonfly is always moving from place to place, unable to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time.

This card indicates that you have recently embarked on a path of self-discovery and are feeling aware of your life’s true purpose or meaning. Still, there are probably big decisions to be made, decisions that might be painful or that you might be reluctant to take. The Dragonflies life will soon be yours — you’re ready to be on the move.


On Adventure, Momentum And Instinct

The Sea Turtle makes their way to the ocean, lead there by the wisdom and direction of ancestors, passed along through generations by spiritual forces so strong they don’t require a physical presence to be followed; it’s instinct.

This is a card about progress, momentum and opportunities. You’ve recently taken a big leap or accepted a grand new opportunity that has moved you away from your comfort zone and into a great unknown that has expanded your world. Believe that you’re going in the right direction and stay committed to the journey. Don’t be afraid to let your dreams get bigger.

Even if you don’t know exactly where you’re going, you’ve got signs guiding you along the way. You just have look out for them, and figure out which ones to follow as you broaden your horizons and get comfortable out at sea.


On Celebration, Relaxation, And Play

You’ve been blessed with a jubilant sighting of Leaping Dolphins, joyously jumping through a window of four floating wands, fully emerged in playtime and celebrating the whimsy of their lives. The Four of Wands is a milestone card; you’ve got something to celebrate. You’ve completed or established an important step in your creative and spiritual journey, are experiencing a period of peace and harmony, have reconnected with good friends, and are wealthy in all the ways that matter to your soul. Enjoy the harmony and stability you should be feeling and find a way to reward yourself and those who have been supporting you. Throw a party, host a game night or potluck with friends, buy some concert tickets. Laugh and let loose, and don’t keep your successes or happiness to yourself. Spread it around as much as you can.


On Conflict, Disagreements And Turmoil In Collaboration

Your energy has drawn you to quite the scene: five narwhals fighting over one fish, though many other fish are swimming right nearby. The five narwhals are all unique from each other, but why are they all going after the same fish? They could all have their own meal if they hadn’t all set their sights on the same one. The Five of Wands indicates an imagined or unnecessary war or argument amongst friends, family members, coworkers or creative collaborators that is causing tension and impeding progress. Everyone is shouting in their own way, but no one is willing to listen to what others have to say. Take a step back and remember that everyone has had different experiences, faced unique challenges and has something valuable and niche to bring to the table.


On Recognition, Confidence And Showing Off

You’ve come across quite the show: five Sea Lions are cheering on a sixth as the powerful creature leaps out of the water and clears an iceberg on a beautiful night lit by the northern lights. Six wands light their rocky beach.

The Six of Wands represents the support you’ve received from others and the confidence you have built recently to finally feel like a success after accomplishing a significant milestone in your journey. You’ve cleared through all the hurdles you’ve faced so far and others are enjoying the results; you’re putting your skills on display and finally getting noticed for your work and progress. Keep believing in yourself and have faith that you’re still on the right path. Revel in the love received from others and use that appreciation to keep shining bright.



On Exhaustion, Perseverance And Maintaining Success

Trouble is afoot. A killer whale is under attack by a shiver of great white sharks, and seven powerful wands are loose in the waters. Who will get to them first? The competition and stakes here are real. Now that you’ve achieved some level of success, others want what you have and are gunning for you. There is a lot of pressure that comes after successly finishing a creative project or goal. It feels like you’re being circled by something ominous, like you could lose everything if you slow down and catch your breath or take a break.. It’s okay to get knocked down a little, but don’t forget about all the powers you’ve developed to get to where you are.

Creativity builds resourcefulness and a unique ability to solve problems. Think about your resources and make sure you are putting them all to use. You don’t have to out gun someone you can outsmart. There isn’t a problem that can’t be fixed, and everything that is overwhelming you can be broken down into smaller and more manageable pieces. When seen in the right light, all problems are opportunities, and you’ve got some magic on your side.


On Action, Alignment, And Appreciating The Moment

The Eight of Wands is a sign that you’re approaching peak flow state: a dynamic period of high energy and momentum. Eight Playful Penguins swim together with the ocean’s current, jumping in the waves, their wands of inspiration moving with them. Perhaps you’ve just recovered from a state of burnout or exhaustion and are feeling like your old or best self again, you’ve finally made it past a significant hurdle that was causing you to procrastinate and stagnate, or you’ve pivoted in a new promising direction.

Either way, the Eight of Wands is a sign that you’re going places now, and that things are moving fast — but you’re up for it. Stay enthusiastic. Don’t question your worthiness for any opportunities you’re surrounded by. There are wild rides to come.

Allow yourself to get excited and grab hold of new ideas, and make sure you’re appreciating all these high-energy moments and this particular period of time. Soak it in. Focus on the present.


On Facing Adversity, Overcoming Pressure And Building Resilience

The Tangled Ray shows a beautiful ray caught in a fishing net, the inspiration and magic from nine wands lighting up the waters below. The ray is embattled and tired, but not trapped. She’s been tested. The net symbolizes that you’re facing some kind of adversity, pressure or stress, but the wands show that not all is dark. Maybe you’re suffering from an injury or illness, you’re having financial difficulties, you lost a loved one or you’ve gone past a deadline. Now is the time to dig deep. You’ve built up a lot of resilience during your journey, and now is the time to put it the test. You don't need to make excuses; you just need to take accountability, acknowledge your situation and let go of what you can’t control. Write down everything you’re feeling and any silver linings you think of. Feel free to laugh at yourself or to make some jokes; dark humor is sometimes the only way to stay sane in a difficult situation. Being able to laugh when you want to cry or scream, or being able to laugh when you are crying and screaming, is a sign that everything will be okay. The amount of adversity you are currently facing is temporary.



On Burdens, Responsibilities And The Weights We Carry With Us

The Traveling Lizard determinedly walks across a hot beach lined with unique treasures, but the lizard cannot stop. He must push on without adding to his load, as he has his hands full carrying 10 wands across the beach. Unlike the rest of the Wand cards, the Wands’ magic has been temporarily extinguished in the Ten of Wands. The 10 signifies that you’re finally nearing the completion of this particular adventure, but the journey at this moment is too hot for flames. This is a card about the burdens and responsibilities — and the lost loves, the regrets, the traumas, the things we will not let go of — we carry with us as we go about our journeys each and every day. The Ten of Wands indicates that you’ve recently taken on an extra workload of sorts — maybe caretaking for an elderly parent, helping with a big move or transition, or you’ve become an active volunteer for a demanding nonprofit, church, or political organization. You’re always trying to help, but you forget to offload. You always think you can do more, more, more, but we all have our limitations and it’s important not to forget about your own dreams, goals, wishes and priorities. The Ten of Wands is a sign that you’ve over-extended yourself and need to ask for help with your load or stop and let something off your shoulders. You’re a person, not a machine.


On Transformation, Callings And Having Faith In The Flow

You’ve got the power of the Magical Axolotl on your side right now. The Spirit of Wands shows a friendly salamander swimming over a lively and colorful coral reef. The Axolotl holds a magical wand in one hand, channeling its creative energy into the manifestation of transparent sea angels. The light from the wand is literally shown enlightening the axolotl, while the sea angels are glowing from the inside. These ethereal beings represent the manifestation of the axolotl's artistic vision from the creative inner realm into the physical realm. They embody the limitless possibilities that arise when you’ve fully embraced all the rapids, waves and still waters of your own creative flow; when you’ve followed your own Way, whether fast or slow or wild or tame. The axolotl, a symbol of transformation, exemplifies the power to become who you are meant to be to transcend obstacles. It’s curious and inventive nature serves as a reminder that creativity is one force that knows absolutely no bounds. Through the magic of its wand, the axolotl teaches us to tap into the flow of our lives — good and bad — to unlock our creative potential. The sea angels suggest that you are forming a close connection to your spiritual creator and have embraced the notion that you have a calling to pursue.

The Knight Of Wands:

On Exploration, Existential Questions And Pushing Boundaries

The Knight of Wands shows a seahorse floating above a coral reef, looking up into the Heavens through the lens of a large telescope, How much of what the seahorse sees of the stars and dreams of what they might be can they possibly understand?

The telescope takes the seahorse straight from the ocean and into space; does the Earth cease to exist simply because the seahorse cannot see what’s on land?

Wands are the suit of thoughts, flow, ideas and experiences of being, going and doing. The Knight of Wands is always, in her heart, an explorer, compelled to always go farther and farther, to dream bigger than is allowed, to want to break boundaries and shed chains.

They pursue the deepest thoughts and questions of the human experience, take no one answer as truth, and are curious about everything. They are relentless in their pursuits for truth, honesty, connection and awareness and strive to always be courageous in their missions.. The Knight of Wands is not ruled by money, but by inner desire, passion and curiosity.



On Charisma, Introversion And Showing Your Full Self

The Goddess of Wands shows a beautiful mermaid sitting on a rocky island appreciating the liquid colors of the sunrise. Next to her, a magical wand shines bright. The Goddess is not alone; she has attracted the attention and affection of a parrot, who will repeat the Goddess’s words and teachings everywhere they go.

The Parrot is a sign that the Goddess of Wands is a social butterfly, someone other people are naturally drawn to and like deeply, even though they may have nothing in common with the Goddess. She is an upbeat leader and listener whose advice is valued among friends and peers and who values a diversity of experiences, influences and perspectives. The Mermaid personifies creativity and the power of genuine connections. She owns her powers and shares all the beauty she sees with the world around her, but she doesn’t shy away from the darkness of deep waters where she lets her fish side fly. She knows which way is up and how to find the sunrays through cloudy waters. She leads a busy life, but only because she makes time for all the things she loves and enjoys. Her powers are independence, freedom, communication and charisma.

The Goddess of Wands is here to encourage you to be and show your full self, not just the self you think people want to see or the self you want others to get to know. Your full self: the dark humor, the scars from traumas, the gray parts and the neon-colored parts. Step into your confidence, into the comforts of the deep ocean that makes up your heart and mind and just share a wave.


On Leadership, Power Dynamics And Following Your North Star

Your energy has led you to cross paths with the God of Wands, a giant whale-like creature capable of growing an entire ecosystem on its back. The Whale possesses a powerful magical wand and is using it to direct his followers — the Knights and Spirit — in the creation of a magnificent castle. What powers does the God’s wand possess? Gods are the teachers and experts of each Power, and Wands hold the powers related to ideas and experiences, so the God of Wands is often someone at the top of his or her field, someone who is well-respected in their communities and circles and someone whose words aren’t often criticized or questioned. The Whale is a natural-born leader, a charismatic speaker who excels at clearly communicating his vision to others and seducing them into joining his mission or project. He possesses the powers of direction, delegation and authority.

The God of Wands is a sign that you might be encountering a major opportunity now or in the near future that you should carefully consider. The God of Wands has his eye on you. Unlike the Goddess, who leads quietly through listening and connections, the God of Wands leads loudly; when he’s in the room, he is the one speaking. While the Goddess almost always presents herself in peace, the God of Wands can come in peace or in war. He might be an amazing mentor, or someone who has inspired you so deeply that you’ve stopped working on your own vision and have adopted his or hers. Or (s)he might appear as an adversary — a condescending boss who is uninterested in your ideas, a my-way-or-the-highway-type influence who seeks to overpower and silence your voice, someone who does not want to be questioned or challenged by the gifts you’re bringing to the table but still wants to take advantage of those gifts.


The Power of Stars

Traditional Card Suit: Hearts/ Cups

Natural Element: Fire

Creative Power: Spirit, passion

Stars hold the powers of spirit, passion, energy and connections — of love and freedom and chaos. It is the suit of fire. It is the power of wanting, of dreaming, of the ethereal and the surreal. This suit speaks to the spiritual aspects of creative flow. Its symbology focuses on fantasy creatures and flowers. Its power colors are red and yellow.


The Ace of Stars:

On Universal Love and Connection

A katydid stands on a rose bud just about to bloom, in front of a constellation of stars that form a diving dove with its brightest points, diving directly onto an overflowing five-pointed star with different streams of light flowing out of its corners and radiating from its insides in the shape of a rainbow-colored cloud.

The Ace of Stars is a declaration that the Spirit is pouring through you, and you can feel the love and connection of the Universe coursing through your veins.

Whatever you do now, don’t keep it all to yourself. Let that love pour back out as a ray of light. Remember that the things the Spirit makes — love, energy, passion — grow when shared. Let your heart overflow for the things that you appreciate the most. Creativity is a force of love, and art is a love letter.

The Two of Stars:

On Finding A Powerful Partnership And Creating Space For It

Two Picasso moths fly around a bouquet of Jasmine flowers, two stars shining bright in the night sky, their lights intermingling. The Two of Stars is a card about falling in love or the beginning of a powerful new partnership that has the potential to both transform and ensnare. Stars are the power of chaos and wanting, but the two represents balance and harmony: perhaps a real dream come true, a truly deep spiritual connection that is just starting to spark in this lifetime. Maybe you’ve just met someone who it feels like you’ve known forever, or maybe an old friendship or long relationship has suddenly felt a bit revived. The sweet-smelling Jasmine flowers symbolize a purity of the soul and a transference to a higher realm or state of spirit, so embrace this new connection with the enthusiasm of your inner child. There’s no promise that this connection will stay around forever, but that just makes every moment more important.

The Three of Stars:

On Friendship, Gratitude And Counting On Others

Three umbrella mantises dance under the stars, celebrating a radiantly beautiful night. This is a card signifying reunion, friendship, and community, and the significant benefits to the creative spirit that can be had by prioritizing time with old friends and recounting special bonds for a night. The Three of Stars represent the way the smallest things in the world reflect the largest things: how a story that happened three decades ago can still make the people involved laugh 30 years later; how some insects dance to attract mates; how time together is fleeting but still lasts forever. No matter what you’re thinking or how you’re feeling, it’s time to get some friends together and talk about it over dinner and drinks, a walk in the park, an arts and crafts or game night, or some other form of quality time together. This card could also be a sign that you’re planning a party, joining a new group, class or club, or have a big social event coming up that you’re preparing for and that it’s a good opportunity to collaborate and have fun.


On Meditation, Responsibilities And Making Space

A jeweled beetle sits under a dead tree, looking out to the horizon while contemplating the weight it has been carrying — it feels like the weight of the moon. Stars hold the power of love, passion and energy, but fours symbolize the things that keep us grounded and tethered in place, like loyalty, practicality, reason and stability. How do they go together? The Meditating Beetle often comes when there's a lot of responsibilities and priorities on your plate. It might feel like you're trying to carry the entire world on your shoulders; you don't have the space for new opportunities when they come up.

It’s healthy to say ‘No’ sometimes, even if you’re saying no to something you would have been happy to do a year ago or a year from now, but make sure you’re saying ‘No’ for the right reasons. The Four of Stars is a call to look inward when you’re feeling overwhelmed: Is everything on your plate worthwhile? Is there something taking up space that you no longer have?

You might find that you’re entirely happy with your life right now, you’re right where you need to be, but you know that not everything is sustainable forever. Beetles are symbolic of change; they metamorphose multiple times through their lives, and though humans don’t do the same, we still have the power to completely change our lives in other ways. So don’t regret the ‘no’ to whatever it was. The right opportunities will be there when you’re able to say yes.


On Grief, Regret And Forgiveness

The Crying Monarch depicts a monarch butterfly and a sunflower mourning five fallen stars. . What caused the stars to fall? This is a card symbolizing tragic events outside of your control — something terrible has happened.

You are grieving a significant loss, failure, or regret of some kind. A heavy smoke is seen in the background, signifying the deep fog that encompasses depression and the ache of emotional pain. There is a lot to be said about the power of grief and regret: they can be both the prisons that hold us down and the catalysts that inspire us to change our lives. A person can grieve themselves into despair or use that grief to hold something important close to our hearts. You don’t have to let the grief go; you just have to transform it like clay into fuel for your spirit to keep going.

But how? To move forward from the grief and regret held by the Five of Stars,, you must forgive — forgive yourself, forgive the world, forgive the circumstances, forgive those who have hurt you. Forgiveness is not weakness. It is a gift you give to yourself when you learn a lesson, when you make a mistake, when you recognize an imperfection in yourself. Forgiveness is the embracement of your humanity and the acknowledgement of the humanity of those around you.


On Nostalgia, Childlike Curiosity And Clinging To The Past

Things are looking up, as you’ve come across the sweet scene of the Six of Stars: a group of harmonious honeybees are having a tea party in a poppy field, with two honeybees sitting next to each other on a swing, reminiscing about the past. Bees are a symbol of teamwork, cooperation and harmony, while poppies are often a sign of peace, death, eternal life and free spirits.

Stars contain the powers of connections and spirit, and Sixes hold the power of lasting, dependable love and close friendship, so the Six of Stars is about the power of nostalgia and the magic that comes with seeing the world' through a child’s eyes: everything brand new, un-jaded from the disappointment of wisdom, the innocent curiosity of asking why and how.

This isn’t a card about wanting the “good old days,” because the world only moves forward, but about finding that child-like wonder again. Remember what the world was like before you understood how it worked? Remember how close you once were to your imagination before all the adults in the room told you to get real? The Six of Stars is a message that now is the time to reconnect with hold friends and remember times of joy, revisit a favorite childhood stomping grounds or hobby, or play a favorite childhood game.



On Dreams, Choices And Overwhelming Possibilities

Shhhhh…. you’ve crossed paths with the Dreaming Caterpillar, the Seven of Stars. A young caterpillar is peacefully dreaming of the possibilities for what she might one day become. Stars hold the powers of dreams and desires, while Sevens focus on evolution and the pursuit of perfection or ideals. The Stars here don’t shine from above, but are ethereal, shining from within or from the dimension from which dreams come. Caterpillars are a powerful symbol of faith and transformation: they must build themselves a shelter so their physical bodies can safely turn into mush so that its parts can be rearranged and reshaped. Are they terrified to follow these instincts they have? Do they have the choice to remain a caterpillar? The Dreaming Caterpillar is the card of dreams and choices, or the illusion of such things. Among tiny dew drops, the dreams shown in the caterpillar’s stars are symbolic of both her future possibilities and the other lives she could be living in another timeline in a multiverse of endless possibilities. But the Caterpillar, while destined to become something else, can’t become someone else — she can’t become a different caterpillar. Not everything is possible in this one short life, but our souls do not live short lives, or narrow lives. Your dreams may connect you to other lives in other timelines; your soul lives in them all. The Seven of Stars is a reminder to pay attention to your dreams and your choices. Are they connected?


On Disappointment, Abandonment And Withdrawal

Night has come, and you’ve found yourself on the outs in some way, having just crossed the Eight of Stars: An adult Spotted Lanternfly is seen leaving its swarm, which flies along a field of spotted knotweed.

The knotweed and the lanternflies, both destructive and invasive species, have hit a dead end: a barren drought-ridden desert. We cannot see where the fleeing lanternfly is going, only that it is venturing away from the others.

This card is about coping with disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal and how those feelings can become invasive and pervasive.

Disappointment, abandonment and periods of isolation are unavoidable in our lives; we cannot control the outcomes of our efforts, the events that happen to others, or the way we are all affected by all the tragedies and disasters that happen across our global web.

We can only control how we process our feelings and emotions, how we talk to ourselves in isolation, the empathy, compassion and grace we work to extend toward others.


On Contentment, Gratitude And Fulfillment

Two Luna Moths fly together around a field of moonflowers, nine stars lighting a circle above them. All is right in your world, it seems.

The Nine of Stars is a sign that you are perfectly content with your life, showing gratitude for everything you have and are feeling emotionally fulfilled — everything you’ve wanted and worked for is or has come into alignment. Soak up those feelings of pleasure, peace and joy, because they don’t last forever. Allow yourself to indulge in the things that make you smile and laugh and seize the days.

Do the extra: take an extra long walk, get an extra drink at happy hour, start painting an extra big canvas, take an extra day off for a last-minute vacation. You’ve earned it all.

But don’t over indulge; too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Instead, now is the time to plan ahead: take and make notes that you can send to yourself when the days are feeling longer and grayer, when something goes wrong, when you find yourself stressed out and feeling down. What is it about these moments lately that have been so special? What about them do you want yourself to remember and to hold close?



On Finding Harmony, Being Yourself And Creating Strong Relationships

The Fireflies shows a family of fireflies flying through a field of zinnia and lighting up in sync, creating a spiral with the stars that shine above them. This card represents harmony, alignment and living your values. The fireflies and the stars are connected through the fabric of space by a universal pattern, and they have a lot in common. Both produce light.

Both hold mysteries we do not understand. Both hold spiritual and an almost magical meaning for millions of people. Both are getting harder and harder to see as we light up our skies with cities and remove the wilderness from our own habitats.

Zinnias, meanwhile, represent hard work: they do everything it takes to bloom as brightly as possible. Whether the conditions are wet or dry, they pollinate steadily and don’t stop producing blooms even if they are cut down.

That’s the tenacity in which we should all approach our life and our purpose, and the Ten of Stars is a sign that you are right there with the fireflies, honoring your connection to your self, your loved ones and all other things great and small. Keep following your heart, leading with love and sharing your bliss with those around you.


On Intuition, Curiosity And Cultivating An Open Mind

THE TRIPPING MORPHO shows a beautiful, glistening blue butterfly resting with its wings spread on the tip of a cannibis leaf, the air around her swirling and dancing. Stars hold the power of connections and spiritualities, while the Spirits of each power often act as messengers, muses and students of those powers.

The Spirits are not knights, goddesses or gods — they are children playing, hopeful and carefree and naive. They are the why of each suit. The Spirit of Stars is a sign that the creative spirit is flowing through you and that you’re open and listening to what your Creator is telling you. You are seeing the signs and the messages and hearing all the whispers: the transformation of the clouds, the shape of a butterfly’s flightpath, the highlights of the sun’s rays. These things aren’t hallucinations; they are your spirit and Creator talking to you. Observe. Converse.

Share that conversation with the world through what you make, create and express. You’ve got so many ideas flowing through you right now that you’re giving them away for free. There’s no rabbit hole you don’t want to go down, no dream you’d dismiss as impossible, nothing you don’t want to try right now. But the nature of time is that you’ve got to pick and choose. Follow those signs and what your intuition is telling you.


On Romance, Beauty And The Power Of Fleeting Moments

The night is beautiful and full of wonder. Ahead of you, the Dragonfly flies past a cherry blossom branch, its blooms bursting out like a star backlit by the light of the moon and stars behind it. Stars hold the power of love and connection, while Knights are action cards; a powerful romance between the dragonfly and the starry night sky is unfolding. Meanwhile, dragonflies are a symbol of change, while cherry blossoms are signs of renewal and reminders that life is short and fleeting, so the Knight of Stars is a reminder to appreciate the love around you right now. It’s a call to wear your heart on your sleeve, to embrace the magic of the moment and ask questions later because not everything is meant to last forever. Sometimes, something exists just to show you what’s possible, just to show you what you’re capable of feeling, just to show you that there is always beauty around you somewhere. You could say ‘no’ to these moments out of fear of getting hurt or being rejected, but maybe you shouldn’t. Now is the time to tear down your walls, quiet your mind and follow your heart. Fully feel your emotions and share your love with those around you. The Knight might not be a person; it could be a group you’ve recently come across or a new mission you’ve taken on, but someone has a passion to share with you that should send your creative flow soaring. Just go in knowing that this muse is as fleeting the moment, and isn’t meant to be permanent. It’s the impermanence itself that often gives something meaning and value.


On Compassion, Caring For Others, And Self-Love

An out-of-this-world creature forged from the strength and vulnerability of flower petals stands in a field of purple coneflowers, an herb renowned for its medicinal powers. A shining star of light particles gather between her hands, called together in celebration by the creature’s energy. Behind her, her planet’s moon appears to be melting, a waterfall of light cascading down onto hoodoos, large towers of potential energy collecting the wisdom of millennia. But what does it all mean? Stars hold the power of connection, love and spirit, while Goddesses are creators and the heart of each power, the how, so the Goddess of Stars is a reminder that love creates love and that love and creativity are the forces that get us all through difficult times. The Goddess of Stars is a reminder that the creative spirit is absolutely everywhere. It is in you, it is in the weeds, it is in the stars, it is in grains of sand, it is in the constellations, it is in not just the flower, but each and every flower petal. Everything in nature is a manifestation of spirit and energy. Flower petals are soft and healing, beautiful and fleeting, so the Goddess of Stars represents the soft and healing love that drives our connection to the universe. The melting moon suggests an epic disaster is unfolding around you, but the Goddess finds a way to shine light onto the coneflowers anyway, allowing them to bloom in the darkness.



On Perspective, Leadership And Manipulation

The Butterfly Spider stands in a field of sage flowers, weaving together a constellation of love in front of him, seemingly powered by the energy field of a gigantic star above him. Like the Goddess’s purple coneflower, the sage is renowned for its healing properties. It is commonly a symbol of good health and wisdom, and is considered a gift that even Gods cherish. The God of Stars is perfectly balanced in a flow state, feeling the energy of the universe behind them and using it to create their own constellation in front of them. They are fully engaged with the light, patterns and particles of the natural world. They know with true sincerity that everything and everyone is connected. Stars are the suit of spirit, connection and passion, and Gods are the givers of each power, so the God of Stars might be a sign that you are about to come into a whole new level of enlightenment, spiritual fulfillment or genuine connection. The God of Stars also represents emotional balance, resiliency, stability and level-headedness; they are an excellent networker, debater and deal-maker because they see all sides of everything; they know perspective creates reality and that shifting perspective is like finding yourself in a whole new world. The God of Stars can be a sign that now is the time to shift your perspective on something that is troubling you. If you do, you’ll find the stability and resiliency you’re craving.



The Power of Stones

Traditional Card Deck: Diamonds

Natural Element: Earth

Creative Power: Wealth,
Resources and Support

Stones hold the powers of wealth, resources, finances and support — of all the real-world struggles and successes artists face that might hamper or grow creative flow. It is the suit having. Their symbology is rooted in beautiful Earthly landscapes, mammals, and powerful gemstones. It’s also the suit of Earth, of solidity, of the material. Its power color is green.



On Manifestation, Opportunities And Time

A baby rabbit sits in a field of dandelions, stunned by the discovery of a single moonstone gem in a field of dandelion wishes. It’s a lucky sight to behold indeed; an indication that you’ve recently been at the right place at the right time.

Moonstones are the gems of new beginnings, linked to time and the tides, and are connected to the wisdom of the Moons, while rabbits are often symbols of abundance, prosperity, luck and fertility. Aces are linked to new opportunities, fresh starts and sprouting seeds, while Stones hold the powers of wealth, resources, support and the material world.

The Ace of Stones is about prosperity, abundance, new beginnings and green lights, so it’s possible you’ve recently had an idea you want to monetize, been offered a new job or career opportunity or have been gifted a new resource or amount of money: perhaps an inheritance, grant funding, or crossing paths with a powerful new acquaintance.


On Time Management, Juggling Priorities And Adapting

Now the work begins. The Rabbit from the Ace of Stones has led you to the Busy Beaver, the tiny workhorse of the animal kingdom, a true engineering and planning expert, and you have followed the beaver into a secret cave filled with turquoise crystals. The Beaver, tasked with gathering wood to build a dam, faces a conundrum: to drop the wood and take the captivating turquoise crystals instead, or to carry on with his duties at hand, leaving the crystals in their natural home, beautiful and unmined? Twos symbolize balance or imbalance, harmony or friction, while Stones hold the power of wealth, resources and the material world, so the Two of Stones is an indication that you are currently focused on balancing your resources, juggling your time and priorities, and adapting to all the changes associated with starting a new project, opportunity, side hustle or income strategy. Beavers, as mentioned, are workhorses and masters of using their environments to benefit their needs, building dams to control water flow. Turquoise, associated with perfectly blue skies, holds the powers of hope, good fortune and protection.


On Collaboration, Teamwork And Toxic Leadership

The Wolf Pack shows three wolves in a snow-covered Arctic wilderness discovering an arch of sodalite gemstones. As the pack indicates, Threes symbolize unification and wholeness in partnerships, while Stones how the powers of the material world, of wealth and resources. Wolves are masters of teamwork and collaboration, cunning and creative. They are expert strategists and enjoy solving problems. The blue sodalite, meanwhile, is often associated with boosting charisma and self-expression, so the Three of Stones is a sign that you’re being extra heard at the moment, that people are being drawn-in by a new-found confidence, change in attitude or just a genuine burst of charisma. You’re either spending some time in an environment where different ideas are valued and where people are genuinely working together and creating cohesion, or you’re really wanting that kind of experience. Have you found the perfect spot in the perfect team where you feel utilized, trusted and appreciated? Or have you been working by yourself for a long time?



On Money, Scarcity And Financial Security

The Mesmerized Leopard crawls through a beautiful flourite cave, its focus squarely on a balanced stack of purple flourite gemstones. Just how obsessed is this Leopard over this discovery? Would you dare to try to steal his stones? There is no need — the cave is full of beautiful gems to admire or mine. The symbolism of the Four of Stones is indeed rich. Fours touch on the things that tether us and ground us and Stones hold the powers of wealth and resources, while leopards are a symbol of royalty, confidence and strength and flourite symbolizes protection, direction and confidence.

The manifestation of the Four of Stones is a sign that your relationship with money is influencing your creative flow, and it’s time to re-examine that relationship. Money, while a force to be reckoned with, is most often not a healthy or soul-strengthening driver of creative flow, but having enough to move past survival is essential to truly thriving. Achieving some form of financial security lifts a heavy stress from your mind, allowing more energy and focus to be spent on creative pursuits. The burdens of a scarcity mindset can keep a person from truly investing in themselves and their dreams, force someone to take safer options and poison other facets of a person’s life.

To achieve maximum creative flow, a person has to believe they and their creative souls are worth investing in. Now is a good time to apply for a dream job, create a new revenue stream, or otherwise think about the future with a positive outlook.


On Loss, Mistakes And Weathering The Storm

The Grieving Elephant stands at the edge of a cliff in the height of a storm, far away from fallen pile of five amethyst gemstones. Elephants are incredibly sensitive creatures with strong family bonds, but this elephant is alone, desperate to get to the happiness and love associated by the amethyst. Fives relate to war, competition and loss, while Stones hold the powers of wealth and support. This is a card about loss — the loss of support, resources or wealth, probably related to a family member or loved one. Perhaps you’re going through a costly separation, lost a loved one who acted as a primary resource or supporting force, or are experiencing a costly medical issue or natural disaster. Drawing this card is a sign that you’ve recently gone through, or are going through, something traumatic and difficult, or haven’t yet processed something that needs to be processed. The kind of loss you’ve suffered isn’t something that is easily overcome. It’s going to take time, effort and belief to recover. It’s likely that you’re grieving, and that your grief is significant and needs to be honored. But it’s also important to focus on what you still have, and what you can hold on to from what you’ve lost: how to save your memories, the lessons you can carry with you, skills and experiences that can be repurposed or used for growth. Use those things to energize your creative flow. You may be in debt in some areas, but you’re not starting from zero. Your feelings may be overwhelming now, but just like the storm, they are temporary, and there is beauty to be found in both the lightning and the power of human emotions. Your feelings and emotions are an energy that can be molded and shaped.


On Generosity, Receiving, And The Things You Owe

The Giving Bonobo sits in a rose garden near a forest and offers up a carefully-balanced cairn made out of rose quartz gems. Sixes are the number of love and friendship, while Stones hold the powers of wealth and support, so the Six of Stones is the card of generosity and giving, as well as acceptance and receiving. Roses, including the quartz gems, symbolize a healing, giving and unconditional love, while Bonobos are known to be incredibly emotionally intelligent creatures.

The Six of Stones can be a sign that someone near you needs you right now and that you are in a good place to be generous and giving of your time and monetary support to a person or cause you believe in, and that your help is a calling from the Cosmos.

Or, it might be a sign that you are in need of support, and that you should lean in to any offers of support or gifts of appreciation; people want to help you succeed, and get joy from your presence. Don’t feel guilty about accepting what others have to give, and be proud of what you can offer in exchange.

Money isn’t the only thing people value: They might want your time, your skills, your knowledge, your humor, your advice, your assistance. It might be time to to teach and learn from someone else, offer skills for trade or put a balanced team together to help someone achieve their goals more quickly.



On Sustainability, Investment And Having A Long-Term Vision

The Golden Giraffe has found a treasure in the middle of a yellowing savannah — a seven-stoned pyrite structure. Giraffes are gentle giants known for their grace, beauty and gentleness, but they are also a highly vulnerable species that, like all wildlife in the African Savannah, requires a long-term strategy for protection against heat, drought and other effects of the climate crisis. Though Pyrite is known as fool’s gold, it also symbolizes the promise of abundance and prosperity, which the Giraffe needs and deserves. Meanwhile, Sevens focus on perfection, evolution and patterns, while Stones hold the powers of wealth and resources. The Seven of Stones is a reminder to focus on long-term sustainability in all aspects of your life. It’s time to step back from individual trees and look at the whole health of the whole forest. It can be a difficult goal to achieve, especially if you’re living life by the seat of your pants, purposefully trying to live more presently in the moment, or are struggling with expenses paycheck to paycheck, but creating stability over the long-term by nourishing quality friendships, increasing skills and knowledge, dedicating a certain amount of time and energy each week to a longer-term goal, repurposing items and resources, and learning when to take risks and when to play safe can all help a person achieve a level of sustainability and stability in a chaotic world. Does what you’re doing right now feel sustainable to you? Could you do what you’re doing now for the next 20 years and be happy?


On Repetition, Constraints, And Pushing Boundaries

A pair of cunning foxes are in a large, cave-like den, climbing a structure built from eight Carnelian gemstones, carefully balanced into a perfect tower. Foxes are incredibly intelligent creatures, able to strategize with each other and solve complex puzzles, and the Carnelian stones are balanced in a way that can only be achieved through patience, care and a masterfully steady hand. The Carnelian’s greatest energy is courage, making it a powerful stone for people working to conquer their greatest fears, push boundaries, or fight against oppression or injustice. It’s also known for reducing stress and increasing the flow of spirit and energy. Eights are the number of boundaries, limitations and constraints and Stones hold the power of wealth and resources, so the Eight of Stones might indicate that you’re pushing the bounds of your wealth or feeling constrained by resources. But pushing boundaries can lead to growth, and constraints are just creative challenges that lay the foundation to innovation. What are your strengths? What are your constraints? The Eight of Stones is an indication that you might need to master a certain skill, and the only way to do it is through repetition and practice and more repetition and more practice. You’ve learned all the broad strokes of your craft, but now you’re getting into the nitty-gritty details to really make your unique work shine or level up in some way.


On Abundance, Independence And Knowing Your Worth

You’ve come across a wildflower mountain valley, home to the Royal Gazelle, a mountain goat with a 9-petaled emerald flower crown on its forehead and a large following of blue birds. Goats are known to symbolize sacrifice, balance and abundance, among other meanings, while emeralds represent good fortune, growth, peace and foresight. Nines represent your connection to the world and your greatest fears, while Stones hold the power of wealth and resources.

The Nine of Stones is a sign that you’re finally enjoying the fruits of all the time and energy you’ve poured into a project or your life-long creative pursuits. If that’s the case, it has probably taken a huge amount of dedication, discipline and resilience to get to this point, and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved.

Even if you haven’t quite reached financial independence yet, you’re close, and the Nine of Stones is still a call to reward yourself for hitting a recent milestone or goal. It’s a good time to look around you to witness all the beauty and abundance you’re surrounded by and are living in harmony with.

You’re a part of the natural world and feeling every vibration of the wind.



On Legacy, Responsibility, and Cycles

Your energy has drawn you to the Purposeful Panda, a family of giant pandas playing around a carefully-balanced Citrine stone structure. Pandas often symbolize peace, balance, harmony and luck, as it’s only with great fortune that one comes across an endangered panda. Citrine most often symbolizes abundance and prosperity.

Meanwhile, Tens represent the beginning and end of a cycle, and Stones hold the power of wealth and resources. Drawing the Ten of Stones is an indication that you’ve recently completed a project and are ready to move into the next phase or chapter of your creative journey. It's time to focus on the bigger picture: on how your legacy and reputation. How do you want to be known? What do you want to be remembered for? What responsibilities do you have and how can you best meet them?


On Manifestation and Procrastination

The Wise Unicorn wields the magical powers of the Unicorn, seen standing atop a magnificent agate cliff beside a tower of miraculously balanced agate stones. In mythology, Unicorns are known for being pure and healing creatures that are impossible to capture, and that’s the spirit you’re working with right now. Agate is known for its protective qualities; it’s often associated with good luck, balance and courage. This card brings a clear message: the time for procrastination is over. It's time to manifest your desires—not through idle wishing, but by channeling your will and taking deliberate action.

The Wise Unicorn is a sign that a simmering project that’s been long on hold or a long time coming is finally about to explode — in a good way. Now is the time to really visualize the finishing the completion of the journey you began but never completed.


On Productivity and Burnout

The Underappreciated Opossum appears in front of her flourishing flower garden, standing near a tour of carefully stacked Aventurine Stones.

While opossums are best-known for playing dead when under threat, they should be known for working smarter, not harder. Opossums not only help rid the garden of unwanted ticks, snails and insects, they can eat venomous snakes and are often symbols of resourcefulness and adaptability.

It’s telling that the Opossum is in front of a garden, which can only be accomplished with maintained dedication. The garden in full bloom is a testament to both hope and hard work; likewise, the Aventurine stones are symbols of opportunity and prosperity.



On Nurturing and Supportive Leadership

The Nurturing Deer is a loving steward of the land and universe. She appears as a deer-like feminine figure walking along a mountain trail, accompanied by a fawn who clearly adores and trusts her. The path is lined with blooming pink rhododendron bushes, evoking the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Along the way, a cairn of thirteen Rhodonite stones rises in sculptural form, marking the way forward—a testament to her nurturing guidance and clarity of purpose. The Goddess is someone who freely shares what she has learned over the course of trial and error, who supports others in their growth.

This card speaks to your role as a nurturer, a mentor, or a guide. Are you walking the path as the Goddess, offering support and inspiration to others? Or do you need her right now? Are you searching for someone to guide, encourage, or nurture you? This card is a reminder that creativity flourishes when we share knowledge and draw inspiration from others.


On Creation, Prediction and True Worth

The Magic Stag is a majestic white moose carrying a baby cradled in a cloud in his antlers, surrounded by a beautiful garden growing on large mossy Garnet rocks. The background shows a Weeping Willow and Japanese Maple tree, while the foreground shows a flamingo cleaning themselves in a river of cherry blossoms. The God of Stones is a God of creation and prediction, a powerful force of serious concentration that manifests into whatever he desires. Wealth, influence and abundance comes easily to this God, but having your sense of self-worth tied to material riches might create superficial relationships. The Stag is a special creature symbolizing stamina, enlightenment and wisdom, and is often seen as an omen that your spirit guides are seeking to give you an important message that could greatly change your life. The Garnet cliffs surrounding the stag symbolize that both you and the stag are well protected right now, as garnet is a high-energy gem often associated with inner fire, worthwhile sacrifice and perseverance.


There are also 22
Major Forces cards.

These cards do not belong to any suit and each has a different power. They represent the major forces affecting your life and blocking your creative spirit. They are:


1- The Inner Child:

The Inner Child represents the purest and most unfiltered version of your creative spirit—the part of you that found wonder in the simplest things and dared to dream without limits. The kitten playing with butterflies reflects the beauty of curiosity, imagination, and a sense of play. This card encourages you to reconnect with the part of yourself that creates not for recognition or success, but for the sheer joy of expression. Your Inner Child is a boundless source of inspiration, and nurturing this connection can breathe life into even the most stagnant creative projects.

2 - The Imagination Station

The Imagination Station is a sacred creative sanctuary, a space within your soul where ideas are born and shaped into reality. Represented by a luminous cave crafted from the echoes of every connection, story, and experience that has ever touched you, this card symbolizes the boundless potential of your inner world. It reminds you that creativity is not just a skill but an act of courage—the audacity to dream of other worlds and weave them into this one. When you’re in tune with The Imagination Station, you can channel ideas effortlessly, transforming them into tangible expressions of your deepest self.

3- The Mind’s Eye

The Mind’s Eye represents the inner compass of intuition and self-awareness that guides your creative journey. It is a reminder to listen to your instincts, but also to evaluate the intentions behind that inner voice. Is it a compassionate guide leading you toward authentic self-expression, or is it tainted by ego, fear, or self-doubt? This card challenges you to cultivate trust in your intuition while being vigilant against inner saboteurs. When in harmony, The Mind’s Eye grants clarity, allowing you to channel your creativity with a deeper understanding of your true self.


4 - Mother Nature

Mother Nature is a boundless creative force, embodying the cycles of life, growth, and decay. Her presence reminds us that creativity is not only about invention but also about nurturing and trusting in the organic flow of growth. She is the ultimate muse, offering endless inspiration through the beauty and resilience of the natural world. However, her vast, eternal nature can also feel overwhelming, as the rhythms of nature often move at a pace we cannot control. This card encourages collaboration with the natural forces around you—learning to flow with them rather than resisting. When you align with Mother Nature’s cycles, your creativity will bloom. Mother Nature teaches that creativity thrives when it is nurtured and aligned with the rhythms of life. Befriend her, and you’ll find a partner in your creative journey.

5 - The Moons

The Moons are a force of mystery, reflection, and the passage of time, serving as both a mirror to our inner world and a clock for the natural cycles around us. They represent creativity’s ebb and flow, illuminating moments of inspiration while also casting shadows that obscure clarity. The Moons remind us that fear—especially the fear of time slipping away—is a natural part of the creative process. When the Moons appear, they ask you to confront these fears, not as a source of paralysis but as a call to action. Fear can be a motivator, but only if you take the wheel and direct its energy. Under the light of the Moons, illusions can be dispelled, and creativity can emerge from the shadows.

6- The Messenger

The Messenger is a bridge between the creative and the divine, a reminder that guidance is always present if you know how to receive it. The Universe communicates through symbols, synchronicities, and intuitive whispers, often presenting the exact inspiration or clarity you need to move forward. However, receiving these messages requires an openness of heart and mind. Depicted as an Angel with a flock of doves, the Messenger calls for quiet listening and trust in your ethereal compass. This card represents a moment when you’re being guided—whether through subtle signs, sudden epiphanies, or deeply felt truths. The question is: Are you paying attention?


7 - The Lovers

The Lovers card celebrates the creative power of connection, collaboration, and shared experiences. The parakeets and the canyon they inhabit symbolize both the tender immediacy of love and the enduring imprint it leaves over time.

Love is not just about passion or romance; it encompasses trust, harmony, and the profound bonds we form—with others, with ourselves, and with the world around us.

This card reminds you that creativity is often born in the spaces between people, shaped by shared energies and mutual inspiration. Whatever creative endeavor you’re pursuing, let love and connection guide your process.

The Creators

The Creators card symbolizes the various levels of creation, focusing on the interconnectedness of all aspects of creative life. The imagery depicts a blue-skinned God painting the hand of a human, who in turn paints the body of a miniature sculptor, who is sculpting a clay figurine of a person sculpting a tree. The central theme is hands, as they are the primary tools we use to create, and the part of our body that connects us most directly to our creative spirit. The background features a minimalistic handprint, symbolizing that our hands hold sacred meaning and are an integral link to our creative souls. This is the most spiritual card in the Creative Flow deck, signifying that you are deeply connected with your creative self. It is a sign that now is the time to embrace and move with the flow of creation.

9 - The Starry-Eyed Sloth

The Starry-Eyed Sloth is the contemplative observer of the natural world, embodying one of animal kind’s most solitary and introspective figures. Perched at the top of the tree canopy, the sloth watches a meteor shower streak through the night sky, surrounded by the subtle energies of sacred geometry glowing behind it. The sloth's stillness reflects a profound connection to the present moment. It doesn't race, stress, or seek to do more than is needed—it simply is. This card, akin to the Hermit, invites you to embrace solitude as a sacred and healing space. Just as the sloth sits still to take in the grandeur of the universe, now is your time to slow down, reflect, and bask in your inner light. By stepping away from the rush of the world, you allow your soul the opportunity to heal, grow, and shine. Close your eyes and feel the miracles within yourself; you are the starlight of your own creative universe.


10 - The Winds of Fortune

The Winds of Fortune remind us that life is an intricate dance between our choices and the forces beyond our control. The Wind spins the Wheel of Fortune, which depicts a finite representation of the infinite possible combination of season, people, events and fortune or misfortune that might happen within someone’s lifetime. The Wheel is a reminder that no matter how carefully we plan, life is filled with randomness and chance. The Wheel’s inner core contains the moon phases and astrological signs, emphasizing the role that cosmic, sacred or supernatural forces play in shaping our lives, whether if it’s as simple as being told that we bare certain characteristics because of our birthdates or as complicated as understanding how the light from the moon might impact Earthly happenings. The Wheel’s middle rung, meanwhile, represents the natural events and elements that might shape a person’s life: falling in love, a major storm, a medical emergency, a tornado, a flood, an earthquake. And the outer wheel represents the cyclical and interconnected nature of human emotions, relationships, and existential forces, all of which shape an individual's journey through life. It reflects the balance of joy and sorrow, fate and choice, struggle and prosperity—underscoring that every experience has its place in the greater wheel of life.

11- The Activist

The Young Gorilla waters a garden of budding flowers, creating a tiny rainbow as the sunlight touches her efforts. The Activist card represents cause and consequence, urging you to live your values and actively contribute to a better world. It embodies themes of fairness and justice, and the reminder that even small acts of creation and kindness ripple outward in powerful ways.

Are you doing what you can to make the world a better place for the future? It might seem daunting, but the micro and macro are intertwined—every small action matters. Whether planting seeds or sparking inspiration, this card reminds you that creativity is a potent force for change. Use it.

12- The Hero

The Hero card shows a mother bat with her child, both of them getting ready to let go as the young one prepares to fly by himself for the first time. Mother bats are tremendous caretakers, usually giving birth and caring for just one offspring at a time, carrying the extra weight with them every time they must fly out to feed.

This card asks you to reflect on the ways we sacrifice our selves, the sacrifices we make for our dreams and why we make those sacrifices. Who is your hero? Do you feel like the hero you are or could be? Or do you need to be saved after giving too much of yourself to something or someone else? This card encourages you to honor those who have inspired and supported you and consider the ways you’ve been strong, resilient, and selfless.


13: Death

The Death card shows a skull buried in fertile soil, from which a vibrant miniature pollinator garden springs. This image illustrates the natural cycle of decay and renewal, showing how death is an essential part of life’s rhythm. Death is the great equalizer—every living thing, from towering sequoias to tiny insects, shares its inevitability.

Yet, death is not merely an end. It is transformation. Science teaches us that energy is never destroyed but continually transforms, fueling new beginnings. Death nourishes life, providing the soil from which new growth emerges. This card invites you to embrace endings as opportunities for rebirth, understanding that transformation requires letting go. When this card appears, it signals that a major chapter of your life is ending, but it also whispers of a new beginning just on the horizon. The only way forward is through acceptance and courage.

14: Harmony

The Harmony card depicts a serene figure, eyes closed, dreaming of flowers. This image represents balance, alignment, and moderation, encouraging us to find inner peace even when the world around us feels chaotic. Harmony invites us to take the middle road, seek diverse perspectives, and focus on what truly matters.

This card reminds us that harmony is not solitary. While the figure in the card is alone, true harmony requires a mix of elements and people coming together with purpose. In relationships, creativity, and life, harmony emerges when we honor differences and work collaboratively to create unity. When you draw this card, it’s a nudge to let go of distractions and discord, embrace simplicity, and work toward peace in all areas of your life. Remember, harmony doesn’t mean avoiding conflict—it means finding a way to integrate and balance the tension.

15: Strength

The Lion King depicts a lion standing firm in a raging river that carves its way through a slot canyon. This image symbolizes the paradox of strength: even forces as soft and flexible as water and wind can overpower the hardest stone. The lion stands as a reminder of the inner strength and courage you possess—the power to endure, adapt, and overcome.

This card challenges you to turn to your strengths, whatever they may be, and use them as tools for progress. Strength isn’t always about force; it’s about resilience, knowing when to hold firm and when to flow like the river.

Through your unique strengths, you have the ability to face challenges, stand your ground, and take steps toward your goals.


16- The Critic

The Critic embodies the inner judge, the shadow self that thrives on fear, control, and doubt. It is the voice that distorts your spirit’s truth, turning your warmth to ice and your heart to coal. The Critic represents the ego in its most destructive form, tearing down your confidence to maintain its control.

This card reminds you that the Critic’s power comes from the belief that it is part of you. In truth, it is a shadow—a projection of fear and insecurity. Its whispers are loud and persistent, drowning out the quieter, more authentic voice of your spirit. The Critic can feel overwhelming, but it is not invincible. By recognizing it as separate from yourself, you can reclaim your inner power and creativity.

17- Devil

The Devil card depicts a large rat perched on a pile of wealth and excess, lording over a struggling community of mice. This imagery illustrates how the pursuit of power, greed, and instant gratification can distort our humanity and spiritual purpose. The Devil is consumed by unhealthy attachments—addiction, control, and domination—believing that they are the source of fulfillment. Yet these forces only lead to emptiness, despair, and an endless hunger for more.

This card suggests that a negative force or pattern is exerting control in your life. It might be a toxic relationship, destructive habit, or limiting belief keeping you trapped in a cycle of short-term comfort but long-term dissatisfaction. The Devil calls you to recognize and confront these forces, reclaiming your freedom and rediscovering the path toward deeper meaning and purpose.

18- Destruction

On Crisis and upheaval, rebuilding and renewal

The Destruction card represents upheaval, chaos, and the transformational power of crisis. It depicts the flaming branches of a tree, surrounded by a raging inferno, as a stark reminder of the inevitability of change. This card heralds a period of challenges—emotional, mental, financial, or spiritual—that will shake the foundation of your world. There may be no way to prepare for the coming storm, but remember: the ashes left behind nourish the soil for new growth. It’s in the aftermath of destruction that you can find clarity, resilience, and the opportunity to rebuild a stronger, wiser version of yourself.


19- The Lightning Storm

On Safety and Adversity

The Lightning Storm card embodies the raw, electrifying energy of fear, doubt, and unresolved memories—those haunting “ghosts” that shape and define us. The card depicts a chaotic sky split open by jagged bolts of lightning, illuminating fleeting glimpses of both destruction and clarity. It is a call to confront what lies within: doubts that paralyze, fears that protect yet confine, and memories that linger like shadows.

This card challenges you to question the purpose of safety in a fleeting existence. What is the cost of staying hidden in comfort? It reminds you that even the fiercest storms pass, leaving behind the opportunity to rebuild with renewed purpose.

It’s time to confront your fears and doubts, let go of limiting beliefs, embrace the fleeting nature of life and embrace the power of uncertainty.

20- The Sun

On Hope and Playfulness

The Sun card radiates warmth, joy, and positivity, depicted by two playful puppies frolicking in a field of wildflowers under the golden light of the Sun. It is a card of innocence, vitality, and connection, serving as a gentle yet powerful reminder of the life-giving force of our star. In its embrace, we are encouraged to cast aside fear and sorrow, bask in the moment, and share light with those around us. The Sun tells us that everything is, or soon will be, okay—its love is steadfast and unwavering, a reminder to nurture and cherish ourselves and others with the same boundless warmth.

The Sun card invites you to step into the light, both literally and metaphorically. It encourages you to share your warmth, love, and joy freely, illuminating the lives of others as you bask in your own radiance. When you embody the Sun’s energy, you reflect its power to sustain life, nurture growth, and inspire hope.

21- The Constellations

On Interconnectedness, Wonder and Possibility

The Constellations card invites you to gaze upward and outward, reconnecting with the infinite wonder of the universe. The stars form patterns in the night sky, each one a story, a guide, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things. This card is a beacon of healing, hope, and direction. It reminds you of the vast possibilities that lie within and beyond yourself and of the light you carry that connects you to the cosmos. When you look at the stars, where do your thoughts wander? Do they drift toward your smallness in the grand scheme of things or the miracle of existence itself? The Constellations card asks you to embrace the duality of being tiny yet wondrous—a single cell in a vibrant, infinite universe. The Constellations card is a reminder that even in darkness, light is present—guiding, connecting, and inspiring. It encourages you to embrace the wonder of existence, navigate by your inner stars, and create your own patterns of meaning in a universe of endless possibility.


22- The Multiverse

On Cosmic Connection and Infinite Possibilities

The Multiverse card symbolizes the end of one journey and the infinite web of possibilities that lies ahead. It is the card of completion and transcendence, where the cyclical nature of existence meets the boundless expanse of potential. It reminds you that while one chapter closes, the story never truly ends—everything transforms, branches out, and becomes something new.

This card invites you to reflect on the infinite connections that unite all things. Your soul, rooted in this world, also extends into countless timelines, alternate paths, and choices not yet taken. The Multiverse calls you to follow your own Way forward, embracing the vast creativity of life’s next adventure.

The Multiverse card invites you to celebrate the journey you’ve completed and embrace the infinite expanse of potential ahead. You are part of an unbreakable web of cosmic connections, with roots in the here and now and branches extending into every possibility. Follow your Way forward—there is no limit to where your creativity can take you.


The Creative Flow Strategy Card Game

Creative Flow Tarot can be used as a personal tool to help work through creative blocks or as a fun, strategic card game for multiple players.

In the strategic game, there are 78 cards (a full tarot deck), spread out in the middle of the gaming area. Gamers also need a drawing tool (paper & pencil/pen/marker/crayon/etc) and a scoresheet.

There is no dealer; draw high card to determine who goes first; That player will be the Reader of the Hand.

To start, each player goes around in a circle, drawing 1 card, for seven circles, until every player has seven cards in their hand.

At that point, every player at the table gets a chance to “shuffle” the deck before their turn.

Each player must try to make the best 5-card poker hand, with each card having the value of its associated number and each suit used for the creation of straights or flushes. Spirits and Knights are all worth 11 points; Gods and Goddesses are all worth 12 points. A straight is considered 5 consecutive cards without the same suit; A flush is five cards of the same suit. Then comes a full house, four of a kind, a straight flush, or five of a kind. Major Forces cards are their own suit.

Players will get two rounds of actions before they have to show their hands.

In round one, players have the choice to draw another card from the deck or to force-trade a card from one other player, in which both players must draw from the other player’s hand at the same time. They then must discard one card, whose value goes into the collective “Pot”. These cards are the Wishes.

In round two, players have the choice to draw another card from the deck or to again force a trade on another player. This time, they must show their best 5-card hand at the end of the turn, as well as the leftover 2 cards. These are the Block cards.

At the end of the round, every player has revealed their 5-card hand and their two Block Cards. There is also a Pot of discarded cards, called Wishes.

The player with the highest five-card hand wins the Wishes (the pot of discarded cards).

Now players count up the value of all 5-card hands based on their numbers and assigned values, except the Block cards. Major Forces cards in the 5-card hand are worth 5 points each.

The two Block cards become Action cards. Each Block card has symbology, meaning, purpose and power and must be acted on for players to add Flow points to increase the final value of their hands. Suits no longer matter.

Players might have two Minor Force cards to choose one action from. They might have one Minor Force card and one Major Force card, in which they must perform the action associated with the Minor Force card and take the Power of the Major Force Card. If they have two Major Force cards as block cards, they must choose which power to use. You can only get points for the cards you use. (So if you have to choose between two Minor Force cards, you only get the points for one; the same goes if you have to choose between two Major Force cards.)

As a group, players now each get a set amount of time (2-3 minutes) to perform their task. Set a timer. After the timer ends, it will be the Reader’s decision when to call for Silence and start around-robin of Show and Tell.

If your block card is/ are:

Aces: (1 point each) Aces are beginning cards. Close your eyes and draw an animal of your choosing without picking your drawing tool up off the paper. Draw as many animals as you think you can within the time allotted. At the end of time up, get one additional point for every player who correctly guesses each animal. Once an animal has been drawn by someone, other players playing aces cannot draw that animal.

Twos: Twos represent harmony. Write a haiku (a three-line poem with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the final line) about one of the elements depicted in any of your cards. (Elements can include plants, animals, landscapes, or symbolic meanings found in the Creative Flow descriptions, which the Reader of the Hand can read if needed). Get an extra point for every element mentioned; deduct a point for every syllable missed.

Threes: Threes are for unification. Use your body or available surfaces to drum out a beat. Get one extra point for every player who joins in before the Reader calls for Silence.

Fours: Fours are for tethers. Spend your time searching your surroundings for every color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). Document the colors you see by taking a photo; no photo or singular item can represent more than one color. Get one additional point for every one of the six colors of the rainbow photographed. (Once an item has been photographed, it cannot be rephotographed by another player for the same color).

Fives: Five is for staying alive amid conflict and competition. Create a secret code inspired by one of your card elements and send an encoded message to one other player. Both players get one additional point per correctly-guessed character.

Sixes: (+6 points) Sixes are for love, so assign every player their own special color and a spirit animal (you cannot give more than one player the same color, or the same spirit animal). Get one additional point for each time the individual player agrees with your choices.

Sevens: (+7 points) Sevens are about evolution. Make up a new purpose for items you find in the room. Get two points additional for every item you successfully create a new purpose for, as demonstrated by a democratic show of players’ hands.

Eights: (8 points) Eights are about constraints. Create and demonstrate a spell that incorporates a way to get past your greatest constraint. Each spell must include a Potion with Ingredients, a chant, and a dance or body movement to work. Get 3 additional points for each player who agrees the spell worked.

Nines: (9 points) Nines are about Oneness. Hum, chant, sing, or whistle for the duration of the timer. Get three additional points for every player that joins in before the Reader calls for Silence.

Tens: (10 points) Tens are about alphas and omegas. Choose to complete any task, so long as no other player has chosen that task to complete in this hand.

Spirits: (+11 points) Spirits are about impulse. Write a four-line rhyme about the elements, symbology and meanings found within your 5-card hand. Get two extra points for every element mentioned and two extra points for every set of rhymes.

Goddesses: (+12 points) Goddesses are creators. Create a story that connects the cards in your five-card hand. Get three points for every card element incorporated in the story.

Gods: (+12 points) Gods offer enlightenment. Get one point for every player you help or every point you give to another player during this hand.

The Major Forces cards in the Block pile have no set value but each have a different Power. They include:

  • double the points you receive from your Action card

  • Swap the points from another player’s completed Action

  • Steal another player’s Block card

  • Steal a player from another player’s 5-card hand

  • Take double the time for a task

  • Double the points from your highest-pointed task so far

  • Skip a task but take the Action points

  • Steal half the points from another player’s Action and extras

  • Take a Wish back from the Pot to add to your score

  • Cancel or block someone else’s Power

Add up the value of your final 5-card hand with the value of your used Actions, earned extras and Powers and that is the final score of your hand.

Play as many hands as you want.