Artist's Diary: The Powers of Stones: On how money, resources and time all contribute to creative flow and blockage
Oh, man. Deep breath. Shake the neck. Move the shoulders. Deep breath again.
And sigh.
After moving swiftly through the first three powers of creative flow, I’ve hit what I always knew was coming: the perfect storm of having to write the full descriptions for the 14 Stones cards. I’ve been procrastinating on it for days, unable to write a sentence without deleting it immediately afterward. SHALT NOT DELETE THIS PARAGRAPH.
The struggle is real. Blocks like the ones I am working through are like psychological and mental warfare. First I blamed the procrastination on seasonal depression and a high gas bill. Then I decided I had to focus on getting through the downturn, so I spent three days drawing and painting because #mentalhealthmatters. Then I decided to do something I truly despise rather than start writing: researching artificial intelligence stocks. More psychological warfare, really, thinking about whether I should be investing in humanity’s replacement, but I spent two hours just trifling through information I don’t understand because I was still procrastinating on these Stones. (Though in my defense, Stones hold the power of wealth and finances, so maybe just thinking about all these Stones had me also thinking about something else I try not to focus on: Money. Money, is of course, a major power or theme of Stone cards.)
Why, I ask myself, am I struggling so much? But I know why: It’s because almost all of my own personal creative blocks are associated with Stones: with having and not having, with internalized systemic ideas of success, with traumatic failures, low self-value, being born into the scarcity mindset of two extremely frugal, struggling parents, with the anger and rage I feel toward billionairism and wealth owning the government and the rich funding the culture wars and the entire corrupt capitalist structure in which I am forced to exist.
Okay, so now, I am riled up. That’s… progress?
The Stones Power cards all deal with blockages that come from the material, outer world world: the support we receive from those around us, the resources we have and how we use them, the wealth we generate — or the support we never received, the things we wish we had or think we need, the credit card debt. And while I am confident in my creative knowledge and skills, in my spirituality and my life experiences — the Powers of Swords, Stars and Wands — I sorely lack any confidence related to Stones. I admit I have never received any support for any creative endeavor I’ve ever pursued. My parents didn’t support creative pursuits when I was growing up — “You’ll be homeless on the streets” if I pursued art, they told me — and they did not hold the fundamental beliefs about creativity that I have come to hold in my adulthood. And though I went to a great college, I didn’t choose to go into a wealth-generating industry like tech or the law. Instead, I went into newspapers and government, and watched as I slowly lost all aspects of the rat race that so many friends and people around me were winning with their jobs in cybersecurity and programming.
I would be happier if I didn’t have to write about the Stones-related aspects of living a creative life. But this is why I created Creative Flow Tarot in the first place: to help people get through creative blocks, not just around them. As much as I’d love to just start painting or illustrating, I have to write these descriptions. I cannot put them off forever. Blockages can become stepping stones; constraints are starting points and direction arrows to solving challenges. But of course it’s tempting to want to just go around a blockage rather than working through them. For instance, I know I can use chatGPT to write my descriptions for me. Every day, I’m bombarded by ads and antedotes of people who have claimed to have sold thousands of copies of AI-generated books and stories. How do I feel about that? Pretty sad and shitty, I guess, but how much do my complicated personal feelings really matter? Should I use chatGPT to write my descriptions for me?
AI is the epitome of a Stone flow or blockage: It’s a resource we have access to that threatens the financial security of billions of people around the world while promising to make an elite few rich beyond our wildest imaginations. Part of the population strongly supports machine learning and artificial intelligence, believing that an ever-growing supercomputer algorithm is the only thing that can solve the world’s biggest challenges. Others think that AI will lead to the end of humanity. It’s hard to imagine AI not being dangerous. Among writers and artists, AI can be viewed as an existential threat, stealing our jobs and mimicking our skills. But it can also be a tool or medium artists can use to stay competitive in our fields, increase the efficiency of certain tasks and to help our own creative ideas come to fruition more quickly. I’ve spent the last year both completely fascinated with what Midjourney can do while screaming into a void about how easy it is to use its powers for misinformation, scams, conspiracies and revenge, and how empty it makes me as a human being feel to know that, from now on, my voice will forever be overshadowed by the programming of algorithms. It’s this kind of deep condundrum that leaves me paralyzed: to use something I find morally dubious at best in order to give myself the best chance at succeeding, or not? In the end, though it would save me a lot of time, it just wouldn’t be … right, or right for me.
Which brings me to another major Stone theme: Time. Time is the most valuable resource we have, the most limited, the most used, the most wasted. Time is something that must be carefully traded, and yet we often don’t have the time to carefully consider the trades we make. Time is also something that is valued vastly differently at the individual level than at the macro level: Individually, we can all value the time we are given on this Earth, appreciating every sunset, or we can waste it all away, feeling trapped or bored by the confines we create. But at a societal level, the way our time is valued is vastly different and dependent entirely on the amount of profits and money generated per minute. Some people’s time is valued at $10 an hour, while we offer billionaires tens of thousands of dollars every minute for how they spend their time, regardless of how much good those billionaires are actually adding to the world and to our lives. The amount of time a person has to invest in their creativity is a huge limiting factor to their creative pursuits, or a huge gift to their creative spirit.
The God Of Stars: On Perspective, Leadership And Manipulation
The Butterfly Spider stands in a field of sage flowers, weaving together a constellation of love in front of him, seemingly powered by the energy field of a gigantic star above him. Like the Goddess’s purple coneflower, the sage is renowned for its healing properties. It is commonly a symbol of good health and wisdom, and is considered a gift that even Gods cherish. The God of Stars is perfectly balanced in a flow state, feeling the energy of the universe behind them and using it to create their own constellation in front of them. They are fully engaged with the light, patterns and particles of the natural world. They know with true sincerity that everything and everyone is connected. Stars are the suit of spirit, connection and passion, and Gods are the givers of each power, so the God of Stars might be a sign that you are about to come into a whole new level of enlightenment, spiritual fulfillment or genuine connection. The God of Stars also represents emotional balance, resiliency, stability and level-headedness; they are an excellent networker, debater and deal-maker because they see all sides of everything; they know perspective creates reality and that shifting perspective is like finding yourself in a whole new world. The God of Stars can be a sign that now is the time to shift your perspective on something that is troubling you. If you do, you’ll find the stability and resiliency you’re craving.
If You’re Feeling Blocked
Like all the Gods of Creative Flow, the God of Stars can come to you as a friend or an obstacle, as a mentor or as a manipulator. The God of Stars can use their gifts as both leaders and disruptors; they easily amass followers and believers in their cause. Maybe you’re not feeling at home in the web of connections in your life, or you’re feeling slighted because of a disagreement, argument or irreconcilable difference that only seems concerning to you. The God of Stars could be someone with a mastery of deception attempting to control your emotions, leaving you feeling isolated or making decisions that you have you isolating yourself from others, or that someone is trying to lead you away from your heart and your values. The God of Stars can be a sign that you should create and enforce some boundaries with someone around you, or that you are withdrawing from your true self and the power of your own creative force in order to empower someone else or make someone else happy. Regain your voice.
Creativity Exercises:
Get inspired by the webs we weave: Pick a medium and make yourself a web, weaving or God’s Eye.
Make your own Connect-The-Dot: Draw something on a piece of paper, then place another sheet of paper on top of it to draw just the dots at corners and edges. Pass the dots-only sheet to a friend and see how they connect them.
Write a letter to the God of Stars, from the perspective of a consumer who purchased one of its products: stability, level-headedness, perspective… What would you buy from the God of Stars? Is the product defective, or worth every penny? What would you have paid for it?
Create something based on the theme of balance or perspective…
If you would like, comment on your thoughts after drawing this card. Writing can help you transition into a creative flow state. What about it is pulling you in?
If you're not connecting with this card, draw another card.
The Goddess Of Stars: On Compassion, Caring For Others, And Self-Love
The Orchid Mantis stands in a field of purple coneflowers, renowned for their medicinal powers. A star floats between her hands, captivated by her energy. The Goddess of Stars is a card about compassion and care — both for others and for yourself. The Orchid Mantis leads their life from their heart, always caring for those around them, whether they are sick or upset. They are an expert in reading and understanding people’s feelings, but sometimes it becomes overwhelming taking so much on. As much as you care for the people around you and the connections you’ve forged in your life, they should be caring for you in the ways that they can, too, lifting you up in your creative endeavors and showing their appreciation for the energy you’ve given to them.
Read MoreThe Knight Of Stars: On Romance, Beauty And The Power Of Fleeting Moments
The Dragonfly flies over a group of cherry blossoms, bursting out like a star. This is a card about romance, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and having peace about it. This is a card about going the extra distance to show your love. Everything is cared for, everything is appreciated and everything is seen. If you’re feeling blocked right now, it might be that you’re waiting to act on your dreams for some reason. What is holding you back? The Knight says it’s time to press forward.
Read MoreThe Spirit Of Stars: On Intuition, Curiosity And Cultivating An Open Mind
THE TRIPPING MORPHO shows a beautiful, glistening blue butterfly resting with its wings spread on the tip of a cannibis leaf, the air around her swirling and dancing. This is a card about having an open mind and listening to what the Creator is trying to tell you. They are messaging you all the time, you just have to read the signs and know how to listen. It’s often just a whisper: the transformation of clouds, the butterfly’s flightpath, the highlights of the sun’s rays. They are talking to you. Observe. Converse. Share that conversation.
Read MoreThe Ten Of Stars: On Finding Harmony, Being Yourself And Creating Strong Relationships
The Fireflies card shows a group of fireflies flying over a field of zinnia and lighting up in sync, creating a spiral with the stars that shine above them. This card represents harmony and alignment and living your values. The fireflies and the stars are connected through the fabric of space by a universal pattern, and they have a lot in common. Both produce light. Both hold mysteries we do not understand. Both hold spiritual and an almost magical meaning for millions of people. Both are getting harder and harder to see as we light up our skies with cities and take the wilderness in which fireflies thrive out of our own habitats. Zinnias, meanwhile, represent hard work: they do everything it takes to bloom as brightly as possible, whether the conditions are wet or dry, they pollinate steadily and don’t stop producing blooms even if they are cut down. That’s the ferociousness in which we should all approach our life and our purpose. If you’re feeling blocked right now, check your alignment or work on your rhythm.
Read MoreThe Nine Of Stars: On Contentment, Gratitude And Fulfillment
Two Luna Moths fly together around a field of moonflowers, nine stars lighting a circle around them. This is a card about contentment, gratitude and emotional fulfillment. If you’re feeling blocked right now, perhaps you just need to rest after accomplishing something big, or something that you thought would feel bigger than it does. Breathe. Live in the moment. Find the beauty there. Find creative ways to express your gratitude for the things that bring you joy and the tiniest amounts of happiness. Take in the view from up top, and if you can’t see it, find one that’s undeniable. Climb a mountain if you have to. You deserve that feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment, even if it means it’s time to pivot toward different priorities.
Read MoreThe Eight Of Stars: On Disappointment, Abandonment And Withdrawal
The Spotted Lanternfly is about coping with disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal and how those feelings can become invasive and pervasive. An adult spotted lanternfly is seen leaving its swarm, which flies at the end of a field of spotted knotweed. The knotweed and the lanterflies, both destructive and invasive species, have hit a dead end: a barren drought-ridden desert. We cannot see where the fleeing lanternfly is going. Maybe you once felt the world was in your hands, that you had everything you wanted, or were thisclose to getting it all, but promises were broken, the path turned, the climate changed and the things holding you up? Broke. The stars seem much smaller now than before when you had big dreams and anything seemed possible. What happens now? Don't let the disappointments haunt you or join you on your future journey, wherever it goes. If you're feeling blocked right now, think about who you wanted to become when you were eight years old. How can you make that child happy right now? How can you change your ways, rebirth yourself, to become more of that person? Get inspired by a long drive down a rural road. Find something interesting on a map and wander around a bit. What do you see? Search. Document something you've never seen before. Those things are out there.
Read MoreThe Seven Of Stars: On Dreams, Choices And Overwhelming Possibilities
The Dreaming Caterpillar is the card of dreams and choices, or the illusion of such things. A young caterpillar is shown peacefully dreaming of the possibilities for what she might one day become. Among tiny dew drops, the dreams shown in her stars are symbolic of both her future possibilities and the other lives she could be living in another timeline in a multiverse of endless possibilities.
If you're feeling blocked right now, it might be about a frustration with a choice you have, or a perceived lack of choice. Not every dream is a choice to be made, nor is every choice a dream come true. Some choices are inevitable, some are impossible, and some are spontaneous. Your head might be in the clouds in some ways -- or it might be underwater. Either can be overwhelming. With every choice comes whole realities of possibility. Maybe its time to focus on all the smaller choices you have each and every day: what you buy, what you do when you wake up, what you're leaving out. Remember it's small steps, quick projects, and tiny bits of joy that lead to a happy, accomplished life well lived. Get inspired by the micro and the macro, because they are often one and the same.
The Six Of Stars: On Nostalgia, Childlike Curiosity And Clinging To The Past
The Sweet Honeybees card shows two honey bees reminiscing about the good times together, a tea party in a poppy field happening behind them. This is a card about nostalgia, reminiscing and remembering how to see the world through a child's eyes. Remember what the world was like before you understood how it worked? Remember how close you once were to your imagination? If you're feeling blocked or down, try finding something old and making it new again, remaking something you made a long time ago, or making something small for someone you're missing -- a card, an overdo thank-you or something that symbolizes an important memory. Get inspired by transformation and growth.
Read MoreThe Five Of Stars: On Grief, Regret And Forgiveness
The Five of Stars
The Crying Monarch depicts a monarch butterfly and a group of sunflowers mourning five fallen stars. This is a card symbolizing tragic events outside of your control — something terrible has happened. You are grieving a significant loss, failure, or regret of some kind. You might feel like all hope has been lost, a strong pessimism about the future, or a harmful attachment to traumatic events or memories. To move forward, you must forgive — forgive yourself, forgive the world, forgive the circumstances, forgive those who have hurt you. Get inspired by any lessons you learned that you can use in the future, and think of something you can do today to make tomorrow a better day.
Read MoreFour of Stars: On Meditation, Responsibilities and Making Space
The Four of Stars
The Meditating Beetle card comes when there's a lot on your plate. It might feel like you're trying to carry the entire world on your shoulders; you don't have the space for new opportunities. You're having a hard time seeing the stars — everything the world has to offer — because they are being outshined by the moon — everything going on internally. This card might indicate burnout, the need for a realignment or just for some space. You could be feeling a loss of meaning or direction and be in search of a greater purpose or truth. Now is the time to retreat into some self-care and daydreaming. If you're feeling blocked right now, take just a little bit of time to dream about the next opportunity you actually want to say "yes" to. If gravity wasn't always keeping you on the ground, if the moon didn't have total control of the tides, if time could be stretched as much as it can be constrained, what would you really want? Try describing it in ways other than words.
Read MoreThe Power of Stars: Artist's Journal
Stars are my favorite suit, the one that hits me the hardest. They are the suit of spirit and spirituality. I’ve always felt like my body is weak but my spirit is strong, that I’m more connected with the Earth and the stars than with other people… I’ve always been an outsider, wanting to fit in but always unable or unwilling to conform to the social norms and expectations of other people. It started with gym class when I was five, picked last for everything because I was the smallest and had skeletal deformities that made others mock me, and it just … permeated everything. I spent decades trying to fit in with different groups, prioritizing friendships above my Self, but I found my strength, my spirit, my own universal connection in times when I was alone, in nature. In the sounds of birds and owls and rustling weaves and water moving in streams. In the softness of dirt, the hope of planting seeds, my horse and my dog. In every flower I saw.
Nature is almost always beautiful, but it isn’t soft. It’s textured. It provides and it destroys, not because it is evil or cruel but because it is balance and diverse and never-ending… It is infinite.
But at times, for me, there can be an extreme loneliness to creativity. I’m sure there are diagnosable reasons for this: ADHD causes long periods of hyper focus when I’m completely in my own world, social anxiety keeps me from meeting new people, I don’t have a close or supportive family, social media algorithms just don’t seem to like me. I’m bipolar with PTSD and what mental health professionals might call an anxiety disorder: I pay attention to the news and a lot of it significantly troubles me. But I think I handle it all well enough, most of the time, because I can find strength in my spirituality: in my belief that my Creator whispers to me and acts through me. I use my creativity to build that connection, to show my love and gratitude for every tiny beautiful thing I see and wished I saw, to create worlds that could exist, does now exist, in one of the infinite multiverses theorized by astrophysics and sciences I can’t even name…
Three of Stars: On Friendship, Gratitude And Counting On Others
The Three Of Stars:
Three umbrella mantises dance under the stars, celebrating a radiantly beautiful night. This is a card signifying reunion, friendship, and community, and the significant benefits to the creative spirit that can be had by prioritizing time with old friends and recounting special bonds for a night. The Three of Stars represent the way the smallest things in the world reflect the largest things: how a story that happened three decades ago can still make the people involved laugh 30 years later; how some insects dance to attract mates; how time together is fleeting but still lasts forever. No matter what you’re thinking or how you’re feeling, it’s time to get some friends together and talk about it over dinner and drinks, a walk in the park, an arts and crafts or game night, or some other form of quality time together. This card could also be a sign that you’re planning a party, joining a new group, class or club, or have a big social event coming up that you’re preparing for and that it’s a good opportunity to collaborate and have fun.
If You’re Feeling Blocked
We all go through times where we are more disconnected from others than we’d like, where we’re feeling lonely or alone, or struggling to trust others or to click with others. Maybe you are just coming off from an extraordinarily high-energy social event or period or time and are feeling the inexplicable need to burrow or rest for a while; maybe you were recently excluded from something you really wanted to be included in. It might hurt, but energies shift and turn. Not everything is rejection: sometimes things happen because you were meant to be redirected toward something else. Maybe you’ve been playing too hard and resting too little, or you’re moving from one phase of life to the next. You can feel both bitter and sweet, alone and overcrowded, lonely and tired, salty and grateful. Focus on the gratitude, and make something for a friend who might be farther away or who you want to reconnect with.
Creativity Exercises:
Create a 10-step secret handshake with a friend or group of friends; try to make it as ‘extra’ as possible.
Learn the moves to a new dance or flash mob
Grab all your boxes of crayons and coloring books and have a happy hour spent coloring in your favorite coffee shop, dive bar or people-watching space
Make something with the theme or element of arrows or redirection
The Two of Stars: On Finding A Powerful Partnership And Creating Space For It
The Two Of Stars:
Two Picasso moths fly around a bouquet of Jasmine flowers, two stars shining bright in the night sky, their lights intermingling. The Two of Stars is a card about falling in love or the beginning of a powerful new partnership that has the potential to both transform and ensnare. Stars are the power of chaos and wanting, but the two represents balance and harmony: perhaps a real dream come true, a truly deep spiritual connection that is just starting to spark in this lifetime. Maybe you’ve just met someone who it feels like you’ve known forever, or maybe an old friendship or long relationship has suddenly felt a bit revived. The sweet-smelling Jasmine flowers symbolize a purity of the soul and a transference to a higher realm or state of spirit, so embrace this new connection with the enthusiasm of your inner child. There’s no promise that this connection will stay around forever, but that just makes every moment more important.
This is an exciting, whirlwind time, but it's not without its risks. The Picasso moths, the Japanese symbols for "love" and "soul" imprinted on their wings, represent a reordering — the kind of reordering that takes place at the beginning of a new relationship, when you're letting go of parts of your life to make room for your partner. Make sure you're letting go of the right stuff and holding on to everything that makes you, you — including your creative pursuits. You don't have to share them if you want to keep them to yourself, but don't let the excitement of this new energy entirely overtake your own energy. Focus on keeping a routine or structure that incorporates all the self-care and time for yourself that you need.
Create a Valentine’s Day-type card, but with the intention of gifting it to yourself.
Create something with the theme of reordering: reorder your paints, your books, your yarn, or reorder a known structure: the structure of a person’s face, parts of different puzzles forced together incorrectly. (Think Picasso.)
Get inspired by the ideographic symbols of the Japanese language and learn to write the symbol of one of these words for which there is no direct English translation.
Get inspired by the chaos and whirlwind happening around you: Create a colorful tornado by color-coding your thoughts and events and dreams according to color theory, as they come across your mind while you’re creating.
The Ace of Stars: On Universal love and Connection
A katydid stands on a rose bud just about to bloom, in front of a constellation of stars that form a diving dove with its various bright points, diving directly onto an overflowing five-pointed star with different streams of light flowing out of its corners and radiating from its insides in the shape of a rainbow-colored cloud.
Read MoreGod of Wands: On Leadership, Power Dynamics and Following your North Star
God of Wands
Your energy has led you to cross paths with the God of Wands, a giant whale-like creature capable of growing an entire ecosystem on its back. The Whale possesses a powerful magical wand and is using it to direct his followers — the Knights and Spirit — in the creation of a magnificent castle. What powers does the God’s wand possess? Gods are the teachers and experts of each Power, and Wands hold the powers related to ideas and experiences, so the God of Wands is often someone at the top of his or her field, someone who is well-respected in their communities and circles and someone whose words aren’t often criticized or questioned. The Whale is a natural-born leader, a charismatic speaker who excels at clearly communicating his vision to others and seducing them into joining his mission or project. He possesses the powers of direction, delegation and authority.
The God of Wands is a sign that you might be encountering a major opportunity now or in the near future that you should carefully consider. The God of Wands has his eye on you.
Unlike the Goddess, who leads quietly through listening and connections, the God of Wands leads loudly; when he’s in the room, he is the one speaking. While the Goddess almost always presents herself in peace, the God of Wands can come in peace or in war. He might be an amazing mentor, or someone who has inspired you so deeply that you’ve stopped working on your own vision and have adopted his. Or he might appear as an adversary — a condescending boss who is uninterested in your ideas, a my-way-or-the-highway-type influence who seeks to overpower and silence your voice, someone who does not want to be questioned or challenged by the gifts you’re bringing to the table but still wants to take advantage of those gifts. The God of Wands doesn’t go with the flow: He controls the flow, and the flow of everyone who follows him. He’s not a mindreader, but a brainwasher; literally a thought leader. As a mentor or inspiring figure, the God of Wands empowers those around him to be the best version of themselves — the best version that suits him and his mission. But as an adversary, the God of Wands can disempower his enemies; he’s ruthless, perfectionistic and abusive to those who choose to go up against him. This doesn’t mean you should strive to befriend the God of Wands; that’s on a case-by-base basis. The God of Wands is obsessed with his vision and his legacy — not yours. Just make sure you’re fully onboard. You could learn a lot, win or lose.
Read MoreGoddess of Wands: On Charisma, Introversion and Showing Your Full Self
The Goddess of Wands shows a beautiful mermaid sitting on a rocky island appreciating the liquid colors of the sunrise. Next to her, a magical wand shines bright. The Goddess is not alone; she has attracted the attention and affection of a parrot, who will repeat the Goddess’s words and teachings everywhere they go.
The Parrot is a sign that the Goddess of Wands is a social butterfly, someone other people are naturally drawn to and like deeply, even though they may have nothing in common with the Goddess. She is an upbeat leader and listener whose advice is valued among friends and peers and who values a diversity of experiences, influences and perspectives. The Mermaid personifies creativity and the power of genuine connections. She owns her powers and shares all the beauty she sees with the world around her, but she doesn’t shy away from the darkness of deep waters where she lets her fish side fly. She knows which way is up and how to find the sunrays through cloudy waters. She leads a busy life, but only because she makes time for all the things she loves and enjoys. Her powers are independence, freedom, communication and charisma.
Read MoreKnight of Wands: On Exploration, Existential Questions and Pushing Boundaries
The Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands shows a seahorse floating above a coral reef, looking up into the Heavens through the lens of a large telescope, How much of what the seahorse sees of the stars and dreams of what they might be can they possibly understand? The telescope takes the seahorse straight from the ocean and into space; does the Earth cease to exist simply because the seahorse cannot see what’s on land?
Wands are the suit of thoughts, flow, ideas and experiences of being, going and doing. The Knight of Wands is always, in her heart, an explorer, compelled to always go farther and farther, to dream bigger than is allowed, to want to break boundaries and shed chains. They pursue the deepest thoughts and questions of the human experience, take no one answer as truth, and are curious about everything. They are relentless in their pursuits for truth, honesty, connection and awareness.
The Telescope signifies either a significant leap forward for the Knight or significant quandary the Knight must overcome. The Knight has finally discovered the stars, but seahorses don’t typically get to view the Heavens, despite having their whole lives tied to the cycles of the Moon.. One discovery has lead to a million questions. What happens next?
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