Things are looking up, as you’ve come across the sweet scene of the Six of Stars: a group of harmonious honeybees are having a tea party in a poppy field, with two honeybees sitting next to each other on a swing, reminiscing about the past. Bees are a symbol of teamwork, cooperation and harmony, while poppies are often a sign of peace, death, eternal life and free spirits. Stars contain the powers of connections and spirit, and Sixes hold the power of lasting, dependable love and close friendship, so the Six of Stars is about the power of nostalgia and the magic that comes with seeing the world' through a child’s eyes: everything brand new, un-jaded from the disappointment of wisdom, the innocent curiosity of asking why and how. This isn’t a card about wanting the “good old days,” because the world only moves forward, but about finding that child-like wonder again. Remember what the world was like before you understood how it worked? Remember how close you once were to your imagination before all the adults in the room told you to get real? The Six of Stars is a message that now is the time to reconnect with hold friends and remember times of joy, revisit a favorite childhood stomping grounds or hobby, or play a favorite childhood game.
If You're Feeling Blocked:
The Six of Stars wants you to celebrate the joys of youth, but be careful you’re not clinging to the past — or so far removed from it that you’ve forgotten the dreams and goals and loves of your child self. The past is no place to stay, but to ignore it is to ignore the best, least corrupted versions of our selves. Our lives happen only in the present and we can only shape our futures, but we have to make peace with our pasts in order to live in more fully in the moment. Perhaps you’re having difficulty coming to terms with an old trauma or a conflicting perspective on an old memory, or you feel like you’re losing an old friend or loved one to forces that you can’t control. There is no singular history of any one event, let alone the world. We shape our memories the same way we shape our futures, and each of us lives in our own world. From a quantum physics perspective, every present moment holds every possible history and every possible future within its trajectory. Strangers passing each other on the street know nothing about each other but may come up with entire stories about each other’s lives that become ‘true’ only in that single passing moment. People come into and out of our lives in the blink of an eye. Perhaps every goodbye we’ve ever said has forged a new timeline that we walk onto, and that’s why friends drift apart and we find ourselves disagreeing over reality: because we really are living in different realities, fueled by our specific consumption of news and entertainment.
Creativity Exercises:
Find something old and make it new again, or remake something you made a long time ago
Make something small for someone you're missing — a card, an overdo thank-you or something that symbolizes an important memory
Create something inspired by bees or their hexagonal hives
Make a costume that represents your childhood hero