5 things to share with someone right now
5 things to share with someone right now:
1. Survival strategies: Because times like these can test our limits. What do you do to stay sane, to laugh, to feel a moment of happiness? Cat videos are always great; so is coming up with ideas of things to make, and creating in general. Singing a song. Busting out a dance move. Breathing in deep. Reading before bed. Forcing yourself away from the news. Giving to charity.
2. Your mental health issues: Times like these create serious mental health complications. It can be hard to access medicine, harder to realize you need help, harder for someone else to tell that you're in trouble, harder to communicate, harder to share your problems in a world full of so many problems. The whole world is sad right now. The whole world is frustrated. The whole world is wondering what's going to happen next. The whole world is waiting to breathe. But if you're in trouble -- if you're having suicidal thoughts, if you're depressed or lonely, if you think nobody cares, if you're in over your head -- you need to tell someone. Maybe a few someones.
3. Silly or creative moments: Everything now feels so serious. People are dying, people are starving, people have lost their jobs and their livelihoods, doctors and nurses are fighting for their lives. If we're not careful, we are going to fall and keep falling. But we can't. We must lift up each other's spirits. We must keep going (or staying, in this case). We must laugh and we must stay connected and we must be there for each other in the same ways we were there for each other before. Because we still need each other.
4. Information and ideas: Every moment, we are living in newly chaotic moment.
5. Activities to try: Write a story. Journal. Play an instrument. Draw something. Make a movie. Experiment.