God of Wands
Your energy has led you to cross paths with the God of Wands, a giant whale-like creature capable of growing an entire ecosystem on its back. The Whale possesses a powerful magical wand and is using it to direct his followers — the Knights and Spirit — in the creation of a magnificent castle. What powers does the God’s wand possess? Gods are the teachers and experts of each Power, and Wands hold the powers related to ideas and experiences, so the God of Wands is often someone at the top of his or her field, someone who is well-respected in their communities and circles and someone whose words aren’t often criticized or questioned. The Whale is a natural-born leader, a charismatic speaker who excels at clearly communicating his vision to others and seducing them into joining his mission or project. He possesses the powers of direction, delegation and authority.
The God of Wands is a sign that you might be encountering a major opportunity now or in the near future that you should carefully consider. The God of Wands has his eye on you.
Unlike the Goddess, who leads quietly through listening and connections, the God of Wands leads loudly; when he’s in the room, he is the one speaking. While the Goddess almost always presents herself in peace, the God of Wands can come in peace or in war. He might be an amazing mentor, or someone who has inspired you so deeply that you’ve stopped working on your own vision and have adopted his. Or he might appear as an adversary — a condescending boss who is uninterested in your ideas, a my-way-or-the-highway-type influence who seeks to overpower and silence your voice, someone who does not want to be questioned or challenged by the gifts you’re bringing to the table but still wants to take advantage of those gifts. The God of Wands doesn’t go with the flow: He controls the flow, and the flow of everyone who follows him. He’s not a mindreader, but a brainwasher; literally a thought leader. As a mentor or inspiring figure, the God of Wands empowers those around him to be the best version of themselves — the best version that suits him and his mission. But as an adversary, the God of Wands can disempower his enemies; he’s ruthless, perfectionistic and abusive to those who choose to go up against him. This doesn’t mean you should strive to befriend the God of Wands; that’s on a case-by-base basis. The God of Wands is obsessed with his vision and his legacy — not yours. Just make sure you’re fully onboard. You could learn a lot, win or lose.
The presences of the God of Wands might indicate that it’s time to examine the power dynamics in your life, and where exactly you exist within those dynamics. Are you at the top? Perhaps you’re beginning to feel a call toward leadership, but have yet to develop the actual skills necessary to inspire and motivate others to jump aboard your vision. Maybe you’re stuck managing your life and everything in it task by task instead of truly leading others philosophically, mentally, physically. You might need to practice a thing or two outside your normal parameters, things like being comfortable on camera or public speaking or just smiling at others when you’re walking. Maybe you’ve gotten stuck in bad leadership habits lately, having gone from an energetic and high-spirited visionary to a cynic, a skeptic or someone who has gotten so much tunnel vision you don’t realize you’re about to fight off a rebellion if you don’t make amends for your actions. Or, on the flip side, maybe you’re closer to the bottom. You’re not in control of your flow, but someone else is. Maybe you’re beginning to realize you’ve lost sight of your own purpose, or you feel a major project you’ve been working on has pivoted too much to still be worth your while. Maybe you’re being tasked not with fighting off a rebellion, but with leading a rebellion against a bad idea, a flawed principle, an unethical practice. Stand strong and blow that whistle until it travels like a whale song across the ocean.
Create something with the theme of power dynamics
Get inspired by a legend, myth or story about whales, which are symbolic of power and wisdom in cultures all around the world.
Create a portrait of a leader you admire; try to somehow include the specific characteristics, actions or words that lead you to admire them in the first place
Select a cause for which you would be the leader of a revolution - such as the climate crisis, ending poverty, the first amendment, a religious belief or futuristic concept - and create a poster to entice others to join in your revolution