The Fireflies shows a family of fireflies flying through a field of zinnia and lighting up in sync, creating a spiral with the stars that shine above them. This card represents harmony, alignment and living your values. The fireflies and the stars are connected through the fabric of space by a universal pattern, and they have a lot in common. Both produce light. Both hold mysteries we do not understand. Both hold spiritual and an almost magical meaning for millions of people. Both are getting harder and harder to see as we light up our skies with cities and remove the wilderness from our own habitats. Zinnias, meanwhile, represent hard work: they do everything it takes to bloom as brightly as possible. Whether the conditions are wet or dry, they pollinate steadily and don’t stop producing blooms even if they are cut down. That’s the tenacity in which we should all approach our life and our purpose, and the Ten of Stars is a sign that you are right there with the fireflies, honoring your connection to your self, your loved ones and all other things great and small. Keep following your heart, leading with love and sharing your bliss with those around you.
If You’re Feeling Blocked
The Ten of Stars might be a sign that something with someone important to you is out of sync in some way that is taking over your mind and spirit, and maybe your time. You might be feeling disconnected or disengaged from a loved one after an unresolved fight or disagreement, or maybe you’ve found yourself in a relationship or entanglement with someone who is unwell in some way — perhaps a narcissist, an addict, or someone whose attachment style is hurting you. Or maybe you’ve really had to make some adjustments to yourself to fit into a relationship, and are wondering if all the sacrifices and effort are worth it. Are there parts of your old self that you miss? Do you feel like you’re able to really be yourself, or are you trying to be someone else for someone else? The Ten of Stars isn’t an omen or a sign to cut ties, necessarily, but to realign expectations, have more open communication and redefine what it is you can do for the other person and what you really need from someone else. Everyone is worthy of love and capable of love, but compatibility is rare and special. There are many more ways than just one way to love someone.
Creativity Exercises
Think about your love language and create something to honor the love language you speak the least: if it’s touch, make something out of things you want to touch. If its words of affirmation, create something around a compliment.
Grab a partner and sign up for a class you’ve been wanting to take or are terrified of trying.
Stare into someone’s eyes for four minutes, then paint or re-create all the details you can remember
Create something with the theme of syncronicity