You’ve encountered a great storm, but are being rescued by The Six Seagulls, forces of transition and change. This card shows a ghostly figure carrying six swords across a stormy ocean in a tiny boat that was clearly not built for such feats; fortunately it is being pulled toward land by forces stronger than the winds, guided by the wisdom and reaching arms of the Lighthouse. The shore is nearing; you’re moving past the storm and moving toward an unknown future. What are you carrying with you? The Six Swords will be difficult to carry without the help of a boat once you’re on stable ground. They represent the kinds of Knowledge we must let go of in order to move forward - bad habits, negative thought patterns, harmful beliefs, stereotypes, outdated lessons, the expectations and hopes placed on us by others. You’re about to transition into a new world, a new relationship, a new dream, a new job. Embrace the coming changes by letting go of the baggage you’re carrying that no longer serves you. For instance, perhaps you’ve been in search of your one true soulmate but are coming out of a long relationship with a person you had hoped would be “the one” that has scarred you. Why do we believe in one true soulmate? The Quest for our perfect mate is sold to us as a fairytale, but it causes so many nightmares. Most of us fall in love multiple times, yet we are told it is only right to love one person. Does that “truth” serve your truest self? Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. Don’t hold on to what other people have told you; hold on to what you know to be true within you.
If you’re feeling blocked:
Transitions can be difficult, overwhelming and scary, but they are also periods of great growth and enlightenment. Perhaps you’ve just wrapped up a project and are unsure of what to work on next, or you’ve hit a creative plateau on something you’ve lost interest in and become stuck. Do not resist the change brewing around you, but let your soul guide you through like the seagulls leading you to shore. Trust your life’s current and think about your largest goals, your guiding beliefs, your North Stars. Let your causes lead the way, or find a cause that means something to you and get involved. Do you have at least one goal that helps improve the world in some way, no matter how small? Start there, because right now in the midst of so much unknown is when you’re creating your world the most. Take some time to give back in some way and new creative projects and energy will come back to you in abundance. Pick up trash in your favorite park or neighborhood, create a way to raise funds for one of your favorite organizations, or make a poster to help educate your friends about something important to you.
Creativity exercises:
Create a beautiful storm
Get inspired by waves
Build a lighthouse
Write a poem about something you once thought was true but now believe is a lie
Revisit an old work of art and change it or modernize it in some way
If you would like, comment on your thoughts after drawing this card. Writing can help you transition into a creative flow state. What about it is pulling you in?
If you're not connecting with this card, draw another card.