The Six of Stones:

On Generosity, Receiving, and the Things You Owe

The Giving Bonobo sits in a rose garden near a forest and offers up a carefully-balanced cairn made out of rose quartz gems. Sixes are the number of love and friendship, while Stones hold the powers of wealth and support, so the Six of Stones is the card of generosity and giving, as well as acceptance and receiving. Roses, including the quartz gems, symbolize a healing, giving and unconditional love, while Bonobos are known to be incredibly emotionally intelligent creatures. The Six of Stones can be a sign that someone near you needs you right now and that you are in a good place to be generous and giving of your time and monetary support to a person or cause you believe in, and that your help is a calling from the Cosmos. Or, it might be a sign that you are in need of support, and that you should lean in to any offers of support or gifts of appreciation; people want to help you succeed, and get joy from your presence. Don’t feel guilty about accepting what others have to give, and be proud of what you can offer in exchange. Money isn’t the only thing people value: They might want your time, your skills, your knowledge, your humor, your advice, your assistance. It might be time to to teach and learn from someone else, offer skills for trade or put a balanced team together to help someone achieve their goals more quickly.

If you’re feeling blocked:

The Six of Stones might be an indication that your finances or support are out of balance somehow. Perhaps there is a debt you need to collect, or a debt you cannot pay, or one of your relationships has grown one-sided to where one person is doing all the supporting and the other is doing all the taking. Perhaps you’re feeling guilty about taking advantage of someone’s generosity and just need to come up with a nice way to show your gratitude while you work to return the kindness through whatever methods you can. Or maybe you’re feeling like you’ve given everything you can to others, while forgetting that you need to give to your self, too. Is there something you've really been wanting to purchase but holding off on because you don’t think you’ve earned it or deserved it? Don’t blow the bank, but you’re worth the investment and the Six of Stones is a sign that it’s a good time to be generous with yourself.

Creativity exercises:

Create a gift for a friend or loved one who has been especially generous

Host a lunch-n-learn with some friends: spend 20 minutes teaching each other a unique skill or sharing something you are passionate about

Select a charity and create something to donate to their cause that they can auction off, sell, use for clients, or raise awareness of their services

Create something inspired by roses