Nine of Stones:

On Abundance, Independence and Knowing your worth

You’ve come across a wildflower mountain valley, home to the Emerald Goat. Goats are known to symbolize sacrifice, balance and abundance, among other meanings, while emeralds represent good fortune, growth, peace and foresight. Nines represent your connection to the world and your greatest fears, while Stones hold the power of wealth and resources. The Nine of Stones is a sign that you’re finally enjoying the fruits of all the time and energy you’ve poured into a project or your life-long creative pursuits. If that’s the case, it has probably taken a huge amount of dedication, discipline and resilience to get to this point, and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved. Even if you haven’t quite reached financial independence yet, you’re close, and the Nine of Stones is still a call to reward yourself for hitting a recent milestone or goal. It’s a good time to look around you to witness all the beauty and abundance you’re surrounded by and are living in harmony with. You’re a part of the natural world and feeling every vibration of the wind.

If You’re Feeling Blocked

It’s possible that you’re still not seeing the fruits of all your creative pursuits, but why? The Nine of Stones indicates that your success might be being hampered by low self-value or self-confidence. You might be struggling with how to value your work or your time, under-charging for services, or selling your knowledge and experience short, telling yourself and others you’re just a beginner when you’re more of an expert. There are a lot of reasons a person might have low self-value or self-confidence — stemming from childhood, narcissistic relationships, or cultural influences — but it’s not something that needs to be accepting lying down. Take steps to create and build your confidence. Focus on your mantras, give yourself an authentically-you makeover, treat yourself to some rest and relaxation or some adventure and play. If you’re struggling to put food on the table or pay your bills, the Nine of Stones suggests you should stop doing what you’ve always done and look for a solution more outside the box. You don’t need to find a better job if you create your own job. Money is important, but your energy and time are absolutely priceless.

Creativity Exercises

Take a look around you: What do you just have too much of? Glass jars? Plastic jugs? Old wood? What kinds of items are you discarding the most or struggling to discard the most? Use that material as the foundation for a new creation.

Get some face paint and give yourself an extreme makeover.

Write a haiku (5 syllables/7 syllables/ 5 syllables) about self-value. Display it in a public space as largely as possible.

Create something inspired by the theme of independence or freedom