You’ve crossed paths with the Magical Octopus, one of the great wizards of the sea. The Octopus has discovered a powerful wand that allows them to manifest the beginnings of a beautiful coral reef. This is a card that symbolizes the excitement of getting swept up by an exciting new idea or project. Now is the time when you’re at your highest potential — you hopefully feeling energized, inspired and motivated about a great epiphany you’ve had or path you’ve started, but it’s only the very beginning. Whether this spark catches fire is up to you. Follow your vision board, trust in yourself, and get rolling. Wands are the suit of ideas and flow, so they should be coming easily to you. Stay flexible, go down those rabbit holes, have fun and play. Don’t forget to stop and dance every so often, and jazz or somehow change that space up if you need to. Your creative space should be a sacred space for your soul.
You’ve planted some seeds that are starting to take root, but they aren’t growing fast enough or their growth is being stunted by some other competing need — financial difficulties or a lack of resources or confidence. You might be suffering from not understanding your purpose, being pulled in multiple directions or not knowing what you want. If so, the Ace of Wands is telling you to explore everything. Learn a new craft, apply for arts grant funding, experiment with different techniques.
Create something inspired by water — raindrops, waterfalls, waves, the ocean
Illustrate the sea creature of your choosing using 5 different mediums or techniques
Make your own magic wand from a found stick using yarn, moss, fabric, paint, beads and other crafting supplies; add fairy a string of fairy lights to make the wand shine at night
Create a stepping stone or illustrate a beautiful pathway to an unknown destination