You’ve got the power of the Magical Axolotl on your side right now. The Spirit of Wands shows a friendly salamander — or Axolotl — swimming over a lively and colorful coral reef.
The Axolotl holds a magical wand in one hand, channeling its creative energy into the manifestation of transparent sea angels. The light from the wand enlightens the axolotl, while the sea angels are glowing from the inside. These ethereal beings represent the manifestation of the axolotl's artistic vision from the creative inner realm into the physical realm. They embody the limitless possibilities that arise when you’ve fully embraced all the rapids, waves and still waters of your own creative flow; when you’ve followed your own Way, whether fast or slow or wild or tame.
The axolotl, a symbol of transformation, exemplifies the power to become who you are meant to be to transcend obstacles. It’s curious and inventive nature serves as a reminder that creativity is one force that knows absolutely no bounds. Through the magic of its wand, the axolotl teaches us to tap into the flow of our lives — good and bad — to unlock our creative potential. The sea angels suggest that you are forming a close connection to your spiritual creator and have embraced the notion that you have a calling to pursue.
This card invites you to harness the transformative power and energy of the curious and enlightened axolotl, but it doesn’t often happen overnight. Enlightenment doesn’t always come in the form of a light bulb or a lightning strike. It can start as the whisper of a dawn and grow in its glow over the course of decades.
The Spirit indicates that you are young and developing your Self still, or that you’ve become skeptical and cynical over time. You have the curiosity of a child but lack the faith of a God. Perhaps things haven’t worked out the way you had once planned, perhaps you never in a million years would have chosen this life for yourself had you had the gift of hindsight.
But maybe, maybe, this present moment isn’t the end. It’s just a moment of time. Go back in time. Imagine a different life, a better life. Imagine getting everything you ever wanted. Allow it to guide you towards innovative solutions and fresh perspectives in the here and now. Through perseverance and the belief in your own creative prowess, you have the power to overcome any obstacle and create awe-inspiring beauty.
Create a Vision Board or idea collage, not for yourself but for your Creator or Spirit. Who or what God or power created you? Is there just one God, or many gods, or are both statements true to you? What was their motivation? What do they love? What do they hate?
Create something with the theme of transformation
Get inspired by Axolotls, which are nearly extinct in the wild despite their ability to regrow body parts, including their hearts and parts of their brain. Create something dedicated to raising Axolotl awareness.
Study the many gods of ancient Greece or Rome and the many gods of Hinduism, Pantheism, shintoism, thelma, Wicca, druidism, Taoism, Buddhism, Maori and other spiritual beliefs around the world. Create and draw as you learn.