The Knight of Stars:
On Romance, Beauty and the power of Fleeting moments
The night is beautiful and full of wonder. Ahead of you, the Dragonfly flies past a cherry blossom branch, its blooms bursting out like a star backlit by the light of the moon and stars behind it. Stars hold the power of love and connection, while Knights are action cards; a powerful romance between the dragonfly and the starry night sky is unfolding. Meanwhile, dragonflies are a symbol of change, while cherry blossoms are signs of renewal and reminders that life is short and fleeting, so the Knight of Stars is a reminder to appreciate the love around you right now. It’s a call to wear your heart on your sleeve, to embrace the magic of the moment and ask questions later because not everything is meant to last forever. Sometimes, something exists just to show you what’s possible, just to show you what you’re capable of feeling, just to show you that there is always beauty around you somewhere. You could say ‘no’ to these moments out of fear of getting hurt or being rejected, but maybe you shouldn’t. Now is the time to tear down your walls, quiet your mind and follow your heart. Fully feel your emotions and share your love with those around you. The Knight might not be a person; it could be a group you’ve recently come across or a new mission you’ve taken on, but someone has a passion to share with you that should send your creative flow soaring. Just go in knowing that this muse is as fleeting the moment, and isn’t meant to be permanent. It’s the impermanence itself that often gives something meaning and value.
If you’re feeling blocked
Not all of our emotions lead us to good places. Some emotions are dark: jealousy, insecurity and mistrust can ruin the moment. Perhaps you’ve met someone who has swept you off your feet, who seems too perfect to be true, whose charisma has you questioning the authenticity of your connection, who is dating other people or who is flippant about the truth. It’s certainly possible the worst-case scenario will play out some time in the future: The Knight of Stars is a call for short-term romance, not long-lasting love. If your alarm bells are ringing, don’t ignore them… but maybe set them on snooze for a day or a week. Try to tread the line between being carefree and careful; keep both your heart and your eyes open. The Knight of Stars could be a sign that you’re feeling disillusioned by something or someone, that something might not be everything it was promised to be, or that you have reached your emotional limits and are ready to move on from something that started off as a dream come true — a wind-swept romance — and has transformed into the beginnings of a nightmare — a destructive tornado. The Knight of Stars could be a sign that you’ve come across a con, an addict, or a cult. If that’s the case, consider it an adventure or a lesson, dust yourself off, stand up tall, and tell your story.
Creativity Exercises
Think about your most intense romance and create an abstract painting based off the motions of it all. Was it a whirlwind? A free-fall? Hot and cold? Find the strokes that match your memories.
Create five different hearts that each symbolize a wildly different kind of love or lust: soft, puppy, wild, hot, platonic, heroic, intense, short, long. Use different mediums, colors and shapes to convey what kinds of love each of the hearts symbolize.
Literally wear a heart on your sleeve by embroidering or painting an old jacket or piece of clothing.
Get inspired by the theme of disillusionment or impermanence