The Caged Bird beckons at you, crying out to be released from her tiny prison. Seeing the door is open, you try to encourage her to fly free, but she doesn’t understand. The prison isn’t the cage she’s in, but her fears of leaving. The cage, after all, is all that is protecting the bird from the Eight Swords thrown at her. What do the Swords represent? Possibility. The What-ifs you’ve passed on. Fear is a prison, and it exists even when conditions are perfect: even when the world is in full bloom around you, you may fear getting stung by a bee. Fear is a powerful weapon to use against yourself when you don’t want to leave, to change, to grow: when it seems simpler to just live in a cage of your own making if if that cage makes you unhappy, leaves you unfilled, endangers you in a violent or dependent relationship or keeps you from pursuing your purpose. How do you break through the prison of fear? You’ve got to accept your power, consider your choices, create a plan and a path. For every negative thought you have, force yourself to have a positive one. For every negative possible outcome you perceive, think of a good beneficial one. Focus on the answers and solutions, not the problems and questions.
We are all plagued by self-limiting beliefs: ‘My work will never be worth anything.’ ‘Nobody wants to listen to what I have to say.’ ‘I’ll never be smart enough to understand this.’ ‘I don’t deserve this opportunity.’ ‘I can’t change this decision now.’ Remember you are not these beliefs, nor is anything true just because it’s a thought formed by the inner critic who operates and feeds off the fears raging in your head. You’ve been listening to that critic for far too long. Start charging them rent, tell that voice off, send it out to sea. You must break the cycle and pattern you’re finding yourself in and create a new pattern that works for you. You might have to brainstorm for a bit before you find the right one.
Focus on patterns. Create eight patterns using eight inspirations.
Plan out a day trip to three places you’ve never been to.
Create an illustration of the cage you’re creating in your mind to contain your fears.
Create a positivity poster that proclaims one thing you’re proud of about yourself.
Create something with the theme of silence.