This series I've been working on has really been an incredibly reflective task. Each card has really made me think about deep topics for a long period of time, and every card is filled to the brim with symbolism, meaning and thought.
I've been working on an Angel Messenger card the last few days, which has me thinking about gender and all the difficulties people have understanding the difference between sex and identity, between body and soul.
I'm trying to put together a nonbinary angel as one of my vision board assets. AI (Midjourney), which is genderless, will not do it. It keeps giving me hypersexualized women (usually without wings).
There are so many concepts AI cannot grasp. But I think it's really important this angel be nonbinary. This fight over pronouns might seem ridiculous, but it's a fight not just for human rights and trans rights, but for the recognition of soul and spirit.
We fight over whether our bodies have two genders, or a spectrum of genders, or four genders, or five, or whatever, and it doesn't even matter. Our bodies are but a very limited vessel. I do not believe our souls have one gender. Catholics preach about the soul and eternal life, but they don't seem to believe that our souls are separate from our bodies. They seem to believe our souls are as confined as our bodies, and they don't seem to think our souls should matter to the lives we live on Earth. But I think our souls matter just as much here as they do in the after life, and in every other life, and the biggest pronoun fight isn't over whether any individual wants to go by he or she or they or whatever, but what God goes by.
The biggest lie ever told is that God's pronoun is "He," and it was told to us by a power system working to opress us and confine us into gender roles and norms that harm every one of us. An entity that encompasses everything is not "he." It is They, or it is unknowable.
Our souls are as nonbinary and multi-gendered, multi-racial, as God, or whatever word you want to use for the entity responsible for sacred geometry, and while our bodies crave the biological imperative of reproduction, our souls only have the eternal imperatives of love and creation. We must all be free to love freely and hope that our hearts still have it in us after being under attack by the corrupt powers that be.