Petals and Lilah - Limited Edition (50) 12" X 18" Artist's Print on Extra Heavy Satin card stock


Petals and Lilah - Limited Edition (50) 12" X 18" Artist's Print on Extra Heavy Satin card stock


Finding each other had been like twin stars exploding into supernovas. Petals and Lilah had parts of each other. They saw through the same eyes, had the same instincts, shared the same grief, had the same heart. But they smelled the flowers differently, heard the music differently, tasted food differently, thought different thoughts, had different skills, experienced loved in different ways. They were together only briefly, but the encounter lasted forever, and on and on and on and on through time. They thought of each other, always. And then sometimes. And then almost never. But it didn’t matter, because they always had parts of each other. At night, they always closed their eyes together.

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